
Our Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Remzi Akçin's interview on 19.08.2024 was published in How An Economy Newspaper.

Our Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Remzi Akçin's interview on 19.08.2024 was published in How An Economy Newspaper.

Knowledge is power. Although the ignorant are courageous, those who know have the advantage of dominating the situation. However, what matters as much as the existence of power is how and for what purpose it is used, and whether others are allowed to benefit from this knowledge. At this point, there are two opposite behavior patterns. 

People in the first category do not share their knowledge with others, keep it to themselves, and use the power of knowing to ensure that others continue to be dependent on them and maintain their status quo in this way.

People in the second category, on the contrary, share their knowledge with their teammates and the public so that everyone can benefit from this power. This method, exhibited by those who are self-confident, ensures the success of the entire team, as it causes all stakeholders to be knowledgeable and well-informed. The 5th-century Indian philosopher and poet Bhartṛhari said, “Knowledge is a treasure that multiplies as it is shared”.

Keeping trade secrets separate, it would not be wrong to say that the same attitude applies to legal entities and natural persons. As Ünsped Customs Brokerage (UGM), we have never forgotten the awareness that our values, knowledge, and experience are the values of society and our own. As stated in our Company Policy Book, we have adopted the basic principle of “always keeping the information on our corporate website accurate and up-to-date, and informing our public about our company in an accurate, up-to-date, and transparent manner”.

We have been, are, and will be making our knowledge and experience available to all our citizens through training on the one hand and printed and digital works on the other.

The following statistic alone reveals the value we attach to education. In 2023, 275 training programs were organized under the coordination of the Unsped Development Academy (UGA), which has been operating since 2013, 2,891 hours of training were provided and 22,371 people participated in these training.

In addition to education, we contribute to society's access to information through print, digital, and periodical publications. In this context, I would like to list our investments in concrete headings briefly:


Customs Transactions in All Aspects

It is a work that includes all customs procedures and practices in a style that questions the reason for the regulation in the legislation instead of compiling the legislation, in a style that can be understood by those who have been involved in customs procedures as well as those who have met the subject for the first time. The first edition of the work, which is the most comprehensive work in its field and consists of 904 pages, is sold out. The 2nd edition is currently being updated.

Question Bank

It is a work consisting of multiple-choice exam questions that are a source for those who are preparing for customs consultancy, customs consultancy assistant, and Ministry of Trade promotion exams and for anyone who wants to improve themselves in the field of customs and foreign trade.

A Wise Person

Written by the architects of the “Modernization of the Customs Administration Project” carried out in the late 1990s, the book sheds light on the experiences and memories of the project. The experiences in the realization of the project, which can be considered the first in the public sector in terms of digitalization in our country, are under scrutiny.

Customs Legislation

Knowing the impossibility of obtaining the entire customs legislation, it is a compilation work in which the most referenced and least changing legislation is printed as a book. It has been updated each time and 3 editions have been made. Our book, which has the content of legislation that is constantly used by members of the profession, is the work that constantly occupies the desks of the beneficiaries.


E-Customs Legislation

The difficulties of keeping up with the constantly changing and complex customs legislation have made it compulsory to categorize and follow the legislation. This work presents a categorized version of the customs legislation to meet this need.

Customs Legislation

It is the electronic version of the Customs Legislation book, which is printed on paper, and available on the website. The Customs Legislation book on the website is constantly updated.

Website Current Legislation

All legislation related to customs procedures and frequently referred to is available electronically in terms of subject headings both on our corporate web page and in our mobile applications. Again, this legislation is constantly updated.


By its very nature, customs legislation is subject to frequent amendments. Since these amendments are not made through one channel but through many channels, it requires a special effort and expertise to both follow and interpret these amendments. The DGMM follows the domestic and international amendments and interprets and circularizes them. Some of these circulars are also prepared in English. These are notified to the relevant person via e-mail and also uploaded to the web page. Everyone can follow the legislative changes on our web page

As of August 15, the number of circulars published in 2024 is 634.


Digital Magazine

Ünsped Customs Consultancy publishes a quarterly digital magazine called UGM Customs Post to inform the public. In each issue, the agenda is determined according to the conditions of the day, and articles and information in this context constitute the content of the magazine. The articles written by experts in their fields are of a quality that will open the horizons of the readers.

14 issues of the magazine, which started to be published in April 2021, have been published for the last 14 issues.

Sector Reports

When a sector is frequently on the national agenda, DGMM prepares a sector report specific to that sector. In sector reports, the analyzed sectors are evaluated in all aspects. Reports on textile and apparel, automotive, energy, iron, and steel sectors are available on our website. Reports on the petrochemical and food sectors are in progress.

Ünsped Customs Brokerage acts with the awareness that continuous investment in people is a debt to our country and the sector. Again, UGM, based on the fact that information is a treasure that multiplies as it is shared, does its best to ensure that all stakeholders and the public have access to information. In terms of its sector, the essence of the word consists of three words: “Unsped is enough for you.”