Our Business Partner Özyaşar Tel Ve Galvanizleme San. A.Ş. Received The

Our business partner Özyaşar Tel ve Galvanizleme San. A.Ş. received the
Our business partner Özyaşar Tel ve Galvanizleme San. A.Ş. received the

Özyaşar Tel ve Galvanizleme San. A.Ş, producing many value-added products in the field of wire and wire products, including galvanized wire, and is in a leading position in its sector received the "authorized economic operator certificate." we shared the joy of the certificate at the celebration ceremony attended by Our Company Partner Mr. Yusuf Bulut Öztürk, our UGM board consultant Fatih Tamay and our Consulting Services Department Manager Altay Yegin and member of the Board of directors of Özyaşar Tel ve Galvanizleme San. A.Ş, Derviş Ali Çokyaşar and General Manager Ercan Korkusuz. 

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