R&D Technology

IT Activities

We respect the confidentiality of the personal and commercial information of all customer stakeholders who are in contact with us. We only use confidential information about our customers and other stakeholders for business purposes and in accordance with legal standards, agreements or contractual obligations.

IT Infrastructure and System:

* UGM carried out its operations by closely following developments in the field of Information Technologies, updating and developing its infrastructure in terms of both hardware and software, and ensuring the uninterrupted continuity of its business processes. As a result of the risk measurements that were carried out, a topology based on redundancy were created for hardware with a high Risk Score. The maintenance agreements for the used hardware products were made through 4-6 Solution-guaranteed service agreements concluded with companies chosen in keeping with defined supplier criteria.

* In the event that UGM is unable to access the Data Centre in cases of extraordinary disasters such as earthquakes, floods, natural disasters and the like, the Extraordinary Circumstances Centre was established at the Ankara Regional Management in order to enable to Company to continue providing its services within the scope of Business Continuity.

* Line redundancies on the Internet infrastructure at the Regional Managements and Branches have been ensured in proportion to the ME, RL, VDSL, ADSL and 4,5 G capacities. The system automatically engages the redundant line in possible interruptions on the Internet lines.

* Ethical licencing is taken as basis with respect to Licenced Software used on the Server and User sides, and internal and external inspections and periodical controls are conducted accordingly. Licencing checks and inventory checks are regularly carried out and certified each year with the solution partners of companies such as Microsoft and IBM.

* Our company, which started using videoconferencing technologies proactively approximately 10 years ago regularly conducts training sessions and meetings at its Regions and Branches using its videoconferencing infrastructure. The “Updated Legislation Brief” held every Monday is broadcasted to all of our customers over app.ugm.com.tr.


Software Development:

* In 72 modules in the English, German, French and Japanese languages, the Customer Work Portal (MÇP) provides are customers with the ability to create all their reports in a flexible and dynamic manner regarding their foreign trade processes. Other than these, around 750 special reports were identified in keeping with our customers’ own business processes.

* Through the measurement programme developed by our Software Engineers, all of our field and office processes are measured separately on target durations basis. These measurements are calculated by segregating the Main Codes and Interim Codes as well as Justification Codes entered for the Import - Export file. Instant data is received through Mobile Applications on the Field Side. On the Office side, these data are received with a business tracking code and calculated separately through an application used by our Customer Representatives. Target durations have been identified through the measurements carried out by our Industrial Engineers according to the criteria of Customs, Line and Mode of Transport. These durations are checked regularly every week by the “Business Processes and Efficiency Committee”, and process evaluations are made.

* This report is published weekly on our website, in the Process Compliance section ( https://ugm.com.tr/surec-uyumu ). This report is created automatically by the system. Target durations have been identified for each export - import procedure in our company’s business processes. Our percentages in acting in keeping with our target durations are submitted to you in a table by the Business Processes Development and Efficiency Committee. Our objective is to complete all of our procedures within the planned durations, and to continuously shorten these durations.

* Before declaration registration, systematic checks are carried out within the programme on Sector, Company, GTIP and Customs basis. Subsequently a control mechanism is developed for improvements aimed at minimising customer and personnel errors, and automatic controls are added to the processes.


Integration and Digital Processes:

* In the Foreign Trade Operation, in all processes such as obtaining information from the carrier on the goods to be loaded, preparing import or export declarations, creating cost and declaration data on SKU basis, providing detailed information and receipt data, and submitting reports on the operation, data transfer methods through web service, XML, WSDL and XLS integrations are used.

* All documents used in Foreign Trade transactions are scanned on declaration basis, and an E-Archive system recognising and categorising documents has been established through the use of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. An average of 12 million documents are scanned and classified annually.

* To the end of using technology in a fast and efficient manner in all of our business processes that are of high volume, that are repetitive, or the data integration of which is not possible, projects for using software with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been put in place. These efforts aim at providing our customers better quality services through faster, more efficient and
error-free transactions.