UGA History
Ünsped Development Academy (UGA) was established within Ünsped Gümrük Müşavirliği ve Lojistik Hizmetler A.Ş. in 2013 to carry out internal and external training planning and practices with a professional approach.
Vision of UGA
UGA's vision is to maximize the professional competencies of UGM employees through personal, corporate, and professional development training programs and to maintain its role model status in the sector by updating its knowledge at every stage.
UGA's Mission
UGA's mission is to add value to the existing knowledge of UGM employees and external customers and to improve their communication skills and professional knowledge with its internal and external training staff.
UGA External Education Service
UGA provides external training services in foreign exchange, foreign trade, and customs legislation based on operations at all stages of the global supply chain, according to training needs or training requests. At the end of the program, UGA provides participants with a "Certificate of Participation" and indefinite and free consultancy services related to the training received.
Training Provided at UGA:
Basic Orientation Programs: This is mandatory training for new employees in the month of their employment, which introduces the company's structure and corporate culture, as well as the way of doing business and ethical principles.
Vocational Orientation Programs: These trainings aim to provide our new employees and employees who change departments with information about the legislation and practices required by the job and to ensure they have an excellent job command.
Professional Development Programs: These are trainings aimed at ensuring that our employees are aware of new regulations, changing and newly added information due to technological developments, and increasing our employees' knowledge and specialization.
Corporate Development Programs: These are trainings that are based on our corporate policy and ethical values by establishing the link between the Company'sCompany's activities and strategic plans, strengthening internal communication in line with our own needs, and aiming to increase overall productivity by directing employees towards a participatory management approach.
Personal Development Programs: These trainings aim to increase the effectiveness and development of our employees in business and social life by recognizing themselves, their strengths, and what they can do to reach the point they want to get.
External Customer Seminars and Training: These are training in which primary and advanced level foreign trade, customs legislation, and practices are conveyed in the current version specific to the institution, based on all stages of the supply chain in international goods trade, based on the training needs analysis of Chambers of Commerce, Associations, Universities, and Companies or upon their requests.
Legal Obligation Training Programs: These are the training required by law to minimize the possibility of occupational accidents during and due to the work performed and to prevent health problems that may occur due to the working environment.
As of the end of 2023, UGA planned 115 Corporate and Personal Development, 72 Basic and Professional Orientation, 206 Professional Development, and 222 Legal Obligation trainings for its internal customers, totaling 2890 training hours with 22301 participants. All of these trainings are repeated yearly, and the training per person in 2023 was realized to be 32 persons/hour.
Essential legislation required for Orientation and Legally Mandated training and included in the bill that a customs brokerage company is obliged to follow;
- Customs Law No. 4458
- Law No. 474 on the Customs Entry Tariff Schedule
- Law No. 2976 on the Regulation of Foreign Trade
- Law No. 3283 on the Abolition of Customs Exemptions Recognized by Certain Laws
- Law No. 1567 on the Protection of the Value of Turkish Currency
- Law No. 6183 on Collection Procedure of Public Receivables
- Anti-Smuggling Law No. 5607
- Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition
- Law No. 6331 on Occupational Health and Safety
- Turkish Penal Code No. 5237
- Law No. 5326 on Misdemeanors
- Value Added Tax Law No. 3065
- Law No. 4760 on Special Consumption Tax
- US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1997
- UK Anti-Bribery Act 2010
- Decision dated 24 March 2001 on the Implementation, Coordination, and Monitoring of the Turkish National Program for the Adoption of the European Union Acquis on the Fight against Corruption
- Council of Europe Convention on Private Law against Corruption of 17 April 2003 (Ratified by Law No. 4852)
- United Nations Convention against Corruption dated 10 December 2003, OECD Convention on the Suppression of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions dated 1 February 2000 (Approved by Law No. 4518)