


Customs clearance, in the most general sense, refers to the realization of the obligatory transactions of the goods and vehicles entering and leaving the Customs Territory of the Republic of Türkiye within the scope of foreign trade transactions with a foreign country by the customs legislation and other relevant legislation. The Customs Territory of the Republic of Turkey covers the territory of the Republic of Türkiye. Turkish territorial waters, inland waters, and airspace are included in the customs territory of Türkiye.

Customs clearance procedures can be followed by the persons or by appointing a representative. Article 5 of the Customs Law No. 4458 contains the following provisions in this regard:

"All persons may appoint a representative for their affairs at the customs authorities to carry out the disposals and transactions stipulated by the customs legislation. Except for persons engaged in transit transportation or who make incidental declarations, the representative is a person residing in the customs territory of Türkiye.

Representation may be direct or indirect. In direct representation, the representative acts on behalf and account of another person. In indirect representation, he acts on his own behalf but on behalf of someone else. The representative is obliged to declare that he acts on behalf of the represented person, indicate whether the representation is direct or indirect, and submit the representation authorization certificate to the customs authorities.

Persons specified in paragraph 1 of Article 1 may pursue business as an indirect representative in customs administrations."

Under Article 225 of the Customs Law, "The activities related to subjecting the goods to a customs-approved process or use are followed and finalized by the owners and those acting on their behalf through direct representation or by Customs Brokers through indirect representation within the framework of the provisions of Article 5."

As a result, customs brokers may carry out the disposals and transactions stipulated by customs legislation as representatives in line with the authorities mentioned above in customs law; they may follow and finalize all kinds of customs transactions.

Customs Brokers are obliged to carry out the transactions and bureaucratic process required by the customs legislation without error and to provide highly qualified and qualified consultancy services on customs and foreign trade issues in a way that protects them from all kinds of material and moral damages by observing the legal rights, interests, and benefits of the persons and organizations they represent. Customs consultants and assistant customs consultants are specialists with the qualifications specified in Articles 227 and 228 of the Customs Law.

Customs consultancy activities may also be carried out through a customs consultancy company by establishing a private legal entity.

Customs Brokers are obliged to work with the responsibility of an agent by the Code of Obligations and the responsibility of a merchant within the framework of the provisions of the Commercial Code and to act with the awareness of joint and several liabilities by the Customs Law No. 4458 and the Anti-Smuggling Law No. 5607.

Working with this awareness, our company started its activities in 1981 under the title "ÜNSPED Beynelmilel Nakliyat—M.Haluk Ündeğer." It expanded its scope of activity to "Customs Consultancy and Logistics Services" by becoming a joint stock company in 1995.

Our company provides customs brokerage and foreign trade consultancy services at 61 service points in 30 cities. Our extensive service network comprises approximately 1900 specialized personnel, 1/3 of whom are customs and assistant customs brokers.

The primary services provided to the persons/organizations represented/transactions followed in this context are as follows:

-Analyzing the current situation of our customers in foreign trade and customs transactions; measuring and evaluating risks; taking cost-reducing and risk-preventive measures in their transactions; presenting and implementing suggestions.

-Determine and apply the customs regimes of goods coming from or going abroad in accordance with the information received and the documents submitted; request clearance if necessary.

-To determine the Customs Tariff Statistics Position (G.T.İ.P.) of the goods to be customs cleared by Customs Law No. 4458 and related legislation, according to the information, documents, and samples submitted by the person/organization represented.

-According to the customs regime to which the goods will be subjected, prepare the customs declaration to ensure that the goods are subjected to a legal customs regime by the provisions of the Customs Law and related legislation by checking the documents and other information and documents that must be submitted to the customs authorities from the counter-customers that our customers are working with, to prepare the customs declaration and to sign and approve it in the capacity of a customs consultant; to ensure the completion of missing information and documents, if any.

-Upon the request of our customers, we will determine if there is any deficiency, damage, or inaccuracy in the incoming goods, prepare a report, inform the customer and other relevant places, and take the first measures quickly.

-Calculate customs duties and notify the customer.

-To deliver the taxpayer copy of the customs declaration, invoice, receipt, and similar documents to the customer within a reasonable period and archive them separately on behalf of the customer upon request.

-To follow up and finalize export declaration closures.

-Receive/deliver documents related to foreign trade and customs procedures in full with courier service facilities.


-To allocate and supply personnel/vehicles when needed for loading, unloading, porterage, handling, and similar operations in bonded areas.

-To ensure that the deposits or guarantees formed in the agency and customs counters are followed and resolved.

-To obtain, follow up and finalize the permits related to the goods to be imported and exported (Inward Processing Permit Certificate -D.İ.İ.İ.B.-, Outward Processing Permit Certificate -H.İ.İ.İ.B., Investment Incentive Certificate -Y.T.B.-, D.İ.İ, H.İ.İ.İ, etc.).

-Delivering the documents that will go with the goods to the transporter company.

-To make membership registration procedures for the relevant exporter unions.

-To obtain preliminary permits within the framework of the procedures and principles in the legislation related to the export regime; to have A. T.R., EUR.1, and Origin documents approved to have the necessary certification procedures according to the country's status.

-To make bill of lading endorsements at the customer's request after receipt of import documents and to receive cargo delivery forms.

-Assisting the customer in obtaining binding tariff information by utilizing the Customs Tariff Schedule and Prospectus.

-Digitally archiving documents related to import and export transactions.

-To make reconciliation applications to Regional Directorates or Ministry of Trade authorities in tax and penalty disputes with customs administrations and to follow up on the finalization.

-To provide electronic information flow related to the business and transactions served, to provide e-service service within the framework of the customer's commitment to access information and data related to past transactions.

-To provide written and verbal consultancy on all matters related to foreign trade and customs clearance transactions in case the customer needs them.

-To provide consultancy services on permits such as Inward Processing Permit (D.İ.İ.B.), Outward Processing Permit (H.İ.İ.İ.B.), Investment Incentive Certificate (YTB), Approved Person Status Certificate (OKSB), Authorized Economic Operator Certificate (YYS).

-To provide consultancy services on TSE Standardization Practices and Tareks practices on a transactional or general basis.

-Providing comprehensive training on customs and foreign trade issues.

-Providing support for customs clearance services in other countries upon request.

-Providing information on customs and foreign trade practices and import tax rates of other countries upon request.


-Conducting chemical analyses through its accredited chemical laboratory in line with the requests of its clients.

-Provide legal consultancy on customs and foreign trade issues when needed; support customers in their litigation processes regarding these issues.

-Informing and reporting on its customers' business progress through regular meetings, making sectoral reports, and providing suggestions to improve customs business processes.

-Analyze foreign trade and logistics business processes in line with requests from customers and provide suggestions for improvement.

-To follow up on ETGB transactions within the scope of fast cargo transactions.

-Providing support in other foreign trade business and processes such as internal and external transportation and insurance.

-Online tracking and reporting through the Customer Work Portal and other applications/applications.