



We provide services on the following subjects as the Incentive Department of Ünsped Customs Consultancy.

From the receipt of your document until it is closed, at every stage of the process and on a transaction basis;

We monitor your export and import amounts during the document usage period and report to your company EVERY WEEK. In this report; we convey your import surplus or export deficit and all the information on the document.

During the document period, according to your import/export balance; we guide your company on every subject such as reducing imports, increasing exports or converting imported goods under the document into definite imports, etc.

Inward Processing Permit Certificate

If you are exporting through your company or an exporter company, do not forget to obtain an Inward Processing Permit Certificate.

Companies can import the raw materials they need in production by benefiting from customs exemption and VAT exemption within the scope of the Inward Processing Permit Certificate (DİİB). Companies using the Inward Processing Regime (DİR) benefit from customs duty and fee exemption in imports, as well as not being subject to trade policy measures and not paying 6% KKDF in forward import transactions, which is a significant advantage.

You can reduce your costs in these matters by '.

Outward Processing Permit Certificate

The Outward Processing Permit Certificate, which is advantageous for companies that want to have all or part of their production done abroad, provides customs duty discounts for products that are processed and returned. Thus, companies have the advantage of not paying high customs duty when re-importing products whose raw materials they send from Turkey. In addition to the Outward Processing Permit Certificate, we also provide consultancy on obtaining and closing Outward Processing Permit Certificates within the scope of Inward Processing.

Investment Incentive Certificate

In line with the targets foreseen in development plans and annual programs, Investment Incentive Certificates are obtained for directing savings to high value-added investments, increasing production and employment, encouraging regional and large-scale investments and strategic investments that will increase international competitiveness and have high R&D content, increasing international direct investments, reducing regional development differences, supporting investments for clustering and environmental protection and R&D activities.

Investment Incentive Certificate; is a document that includes the characteristic values ​​of the investment and provides the opportunity to benefit from the support elements registered on it if the investment is carried out in accordance with these values ​​and the determined conditions, and is issued for investments to be carried out in accordance with the purposes of the decision on state aid in investments.

Companies can benefit from investment incentives for completely new investments or modernization of existing facilities.

Designed within the scope of the new investment incentive program, under the titles of General Incentive Applications, Regional Incentive Applications, Large-Scale Investment Incentive and Strategic Investment Incentive, it is supported according to the investment support elements with nine different incentive instruments under four different incentive applications.

The contributions of the incentive instruments to the investor vary according to the nature of the investment and the applications it will be subject to.

If the support contributions that investors will provide from the incentive instruments need to be specified; Incentive System; General Incentive Applications, Regional Incentive Applications, Large-Scale Investments and Strategic Investments.

Investment Incentive Support elements can be listed in nine different ways.

-VAT Exemption

-Customs Duty Exemption

-Tax Reduction

-Insurance Premium Employer Share Support

-Income Tax Withholding Support

-Insurance Premium Support

-Interest Support

-Investment Place Allocation

-VAT Refund

Within the scope of the Attraction Centers Support Program, including Adıyaman, Ağrı, Ardahan, Batman, Bayburt, Bingöl, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Elazığ, Erzincan, Erzurum, Gümüşhane, Hakkari, Iğdır, Kars, Malatya, Mardin, Muş, Siirt, Şanlıurfa, Şırnak, Tunceli and Van provinces, YTB Incentive Transactions for all New Investments and Establishments within the scope of the Attraction Center Program

Operations in Istanbul, Balıkesir, İzmir, Bursa and Mardin, which are declared as Special Industrial Zones All Investment Incentive Transactions Regarding New Investments and Establishments of our companies

All YTB Transactions Regarding New Investments and Establishments in Free Zones

All YTB Incentive Transactions Regarding Investments and Establishments of our companies operating in our Organized Industrial Zones and to be newly established

All YTB follow-up transactions regarding the newly established and established transactions of the Investment Projects between 50 / 500 Million TL evaluated within the scope of the Technology-Oriented Industrial Move Program for the products in the priority product list

All kinds of transaction support regarding YTB purchase, YTB closure and YTB revision transactions, services and support are provided to our companies by the expert staff of our Incentive Department within the scope of State Aid in Investments numbered 2012/3305 Decision.

Design Support

In order to ensure the creation and dissemination of design culture in Turkey, it is aimed to cover the expenses of promotion, advertising, marketing, employment, consultancy and the expenses of units to be opened abroad by designer companies, design offices and unions, and the Support and Price Stability Fund.

Support for Market Entry Documents

Who Can Benefit?

-Companies operating in commercial and industrial activities in Turkey

-Companies operating in the agricultural or software sectors

-Foreign trade capital companies (DTŞ)

-Sectoral foreign trade companies (SDŞ)

It is aimed that a certain portion of the expenses related to standards, environmental documents, signs indicating life and property safety and security to be obtained from accredited institutions and/or organizations, and laboratory analyses and certification procedures related to agricultural products will be covered by the Support and Price Stabilization Fund in order to ensure compliance with technical legislation regarding the environment, standards and human health by companies operating in commercial and industrial activities or operating in the agricultural or software sectors in Turkey.

Turquality Program

The expenses related to the branding of Turkish products abroad, the establishment of the image of Turkish goods and the promotion of their sectors abroad by TURQUALITY exporter unions, producer associations, producer unions, expenses related to the activities to be carried out by companies operating in Turkey for the purpose of branding their products, expenses related to the support to be provided to companies in the branding process in Turkey and abroad within the scope of the TURQUALITY Program by Exporter Unions, expenses related to all kinds of activities and organizations to be carried out by Turkish brands for their entry and retention in the market, and all kinds of expenses to be carried out in Turkey and abroad for the establishment and establishment of a positive image of Turkish goods are aimed to be covered by the Support and Price Stabilization Fund in accordance with international rules.

The statistics showing that patent awareness is increasing day by day in Turkey prove that a macro level success will be achieved in this regard in the near future. According to the Turkish Patent Institute (TPS) reports, Turkey held the first place in Europe in trademark applications last year.

Regarding the issuance of the TURQUALITY Certificate; It is the issuance of the TURQUALITY certificate, which will be allowed to be used within the framework of the approval of the Turquality Committee in accordance with the "Communiqué on Supporting Activities for Branding Turkish Products Abroad and Establishing the Image of Turkish Goods".

The phrase Turquality-From Turkey refers to the TURQUALITY certificate, which is protected by the Turkish Patent Institute on behalf of the Ministry of Economy within the framework of Article 7, paragraph 1, subparagraph (g) of the Decree Law No. 556 on the Protection of Brands, whose fund is Pantone 3125 C and whose design is given below.

Support for Foreign Unit, Brand and Promotion Activities

Who Can Benefit?

-Companies and cooperation organizations operating in Turkey for commercial and/or industrial activities

The expenses related to the promotion and/or brand registration activities to be carried out by companies operating in Turkey for commercial, industrial/commercial activities or operating in the software sector in order to ensure the extensive and long-term promotion of their products in foreign markets and the expenses related to the units they have opened or will open for the purpose of operating in the trade of goods abroad are covered by the Support and Price Stabilization Fund according to international rules.

Support for Fair Participation Held Abroad

Who Can Benefit?

-Organizers who organize fairs abroad, companies and organizations participating in the said fair and companies and organizations that provide individual participation in international fairs of a sectoral nature.

It is the participation of our companies in fairs abroad and the individual participation in international fairs of a sectoral nature, and the support of our exports by promoting and marketing Turkish export products.

Market Research and Market Entry Support

Who Can Benefit?

-Companies operating in Turkey for commercial and/or industrial purposes and software companies

A- Overseas Market Research Support

It covers the expenses related to overseas market research trips carried out by industrial and/or commercial companies and companies operating in the software sector.

B- Report and Overseas Company Purchase Support

It covers the expenses related to sector, country, foreign company or brand focused reports (including financial and legal reports) prepared and purchased from international organizations in order to create market entry strategies and action plans for abroad and consultancy services for foreign company purchases (including financial and legal consultancy).

C- Sectoral Trade Delegation and Purchase Delegation Programs Support

It supports the expenses related to sectoral trade delegation and purchase delegation programs organized by organizing organizations under the coordination of the Ministry.

D- Membership Support for e-Commerce Sites

It covers the membership expenses of companies to e-commerce sites that are not aimed at the end consumer.

Support for Fair Participation Abroad

Who Can Benefit?

-Organizers who organize fairs abroad, companies and organizations participating in the fair in question, and companies and organizations that provide individual participation in sectoral international fairs.

Supporting our exports by ensuring the participation of our companies in fairs abroad and their individual participation in sectoral international fairs, and by promoting and marketing Turkish export products.

Market Research and Market Entry Support

Who Can Benefit?

-Companies and software companies operating in Turkey for commercial and/or industrial purposes

A- Market Research Support Abroad

It is the coverage of expenses related to overseas market research trips carried out by industrial and/or commercial companies and companies operating in the software sector.

B- Report and Foreign Company Purchase Support

It is the coverage of expenses related to sector, country, foreign company or brand focused reports (including financial and legal reports) prepared and purchased from international organizations in order to create market entry strategies and action plans for abroad and consultancy services for foreign company purchases (including financial and legal consultancy).

C- Sectoral Trade Delegation and Purchase Delegation Programs Support

It is the support of expenses related to sectoral trade delegation and purchase delegation programs organized by organizing organizations under the coordination of the Ministry.

D- Membership Support for e-Commerce Sites

It is the coverage of membership expenses of companies to e-commerce sites that are not aimed at the end consumer.

International Competitiveness Development Support

Who Can Benefit?

-Collective, limited partnership, joint stock, limited and cooperative companies that are engaged in commercial and/or industrial activities or operating in the software sector as specified in Article 136 of the Turkish Commercial Code can benefit. A maximum of 4 people from a company can participate in each training program.

A- The training programs to be organized by trainers are to support the training expenses of companies operating in the software sector and industrial and/or commercial activities in Turkey in order to increase their competitive power in international markets.

B- Support for Project-Based Training, Consultancy, International Marketing, Procurement Committee and Individual Consultancy Programs and Employment Expenses

It is to support the project-based expenses of cooperation organizations deemed appropriate by the Ministry.

Employment Support

It is aimed to ensure the employment of experienced and highly educated managers and personnel in order to carry out the transactions related to foreign trade exclusively for companies with the title of Sectoral Foreign Trade Company.

Support for Participation in Domestic International Specialization Fairs

Who Can Benefit?

-Organizing companies can benefit.

It is a support aimed at ensuring the external promotion of international domestic specialization fairs and increasing participation at the international level. A certain percentage of the expenses related to the promotion and advertising activities to be carried out by local organizers in accordance with the criteria to be determined by the Ministry of Economy before and during the fair are covered.

ÜNSPED is an expert in all operational conformity assessment processes. The operational business processes during the conformity assessment, which it initiated for the first time in Turkey, are recorded moment by moment via terminals with the data entries made by the operation personnel in the field. When requested, these records can be viewed over the internet or sent as instant e-mail and can be regularly reported at the desired intervals.