



Ünsped Customs Brokerage Incentive Department provides services in the following subjects.

From the acquisition of your document to its conclusion, at every stage of the process and on the basis of each operation;

We monitor your export and import quantities for the duration of document use and report to your company EVERY WEEK. In this report; we will communicate your import surplus or export deficit and all the information on the document.

During the document period, according to your import/export balance; we direct your company to reduce imports, increase exports or convert goods imported on the basis of document into definite import.


Inward Processing Permit

If you are exporting by your company or through an exporting company, do not forget to obtain an Inward Processing Permit.

Companies can import the raw materials they need for production by using customs exemption and VAT exemption under the Inward Processing Permit (SIS). In addition to benefiting from customs duties and tax exemption stipulated in imports, companies using the Inward Processing Regime (FDI) the permit also provide a significant advantage by not being subject to trade policy measures and not paying 6% KKDF in future import operations.

You can reduce your cost in these matters by 27%.

Outward Processing Permit

The Outward Processing Permit, which is advantageous for companies wishing to have all or part of its production done abroad, provides a customs duty reduction for processed and returned products. In this way, companies have the advantage of not paying high customs duties on the importation of raw materials from Turkey. In addition to the Outward Processing Authorization Certificate, we also advise on the purchase and conclusion of the Inward Processing Permit within the scope of Inward Processing.

Investment Incentive Certificate

In line with the targets envisaged in development plans and annual programs, investment incentive certificate is issued to support directing savings for high value-added investments, increasing production and employment, increasing international competitiveness and encourage large-scale investments and strategic investments, increase international direct investments, reduce regional development differences, clustering and environmental protection investments and R& D activities it.

Investment Incentive certificate is a document containing the characteristic values of the investment, allowing the benefit of the support elements registered on the investments if the investment is carried out in accordance with these values and the conditions determined, and it is issued for investments to be carried out in accordance with the objectives of the legal aids.

Companies can benefit from investment incentives for completely new investments or modernization of existing facilities.

General Incentive Applications designed under the new investment incentive programs are supported under headings of Regional Incentive Applications, Incentive for Large-Scale Investments and Incentives for Strategic Investments according to incentive support factors in line with nine different incentives.

Contributions of incentive instruments to investors; varies according to the nature of the investment and the applications it will be subject to.

The support contributions that investors will benefit from the incentive instruments are; Incentive System; General Incentive Applications, Regional Incentive Applications, Large-Scale Investments and Strategic Investments.

 Investment Incentive Support elements can be sorted in nine different ways.

-VAT Exemption

-Customs Duty Exemption

-Tax Deduction

-Insurance Premium Employer Stake Support

-Income Tax Withholding Support

-Insurance Premium Support

-Interest Support

-Investment Location Allocation

-VAT Refund

It is aimed to cover the expenses related to the units to be opened abroad through the Support and Price Stability Fund Designer companies for promotion, advertising, marketing, employment, consultancy expenditures and consultancy expenditures to be carried out by design offices and associations, design associations, to ensure the creation and dissemination of design culture in Turkey.

Supporting Market Entry Documents

 Who can benefit?

-Companies engaged in commercial and industrial activities in Turkey

-Companies involved in agriculture or software

-Foreign trade capital companies (DTSS)

-Sectoral foreign trade companies (SDS)

Environmental certificates, standards and signs indicating the safety and safety of life, property, and laboratory analyses and certification of agricultural products issued by accredited institutions and/or organizations that ensure compliance with environmental, standard and human health technical legislation to be obtained by companies engaged in commercial and industrial activities or in agriculture or software sectors in Turkey and a portion of the expenditures related to laboratory analysis and certification of agricultural products are provided from the Support and Price Stability Fund.

Turquality Program

Expenses and all expenditures regarding the branding of Turkish products abroad, placement of the image of Turkish goods and the expenditures to be carried out for the purpose of promoting TURQUALITY exporters' associations, producer associations and their sectors abroad related to the activities to be carried out for the branding of the products of companies engaged in commercial and/or industrial activities in Turkey, and expenses related to the activities carried out by the Companies in Turkey within the scope of TURQUALITY Program related to the support stipulated in the branding process, expenses related to all kinds of activities and organizations to be carried out for Turkish brands to enter and hold on to the market, and the creation of a positive Turkish property image at home and abroad are supported by the Support and Price Stability Fund in accordance with international rules.

Statistics showing that patent awareness is increasing day by day in Turkey proves that there will be a macro level success in this regard in the near future. According to the Turkish Patent Institute (TPS), Turkey holds the European first place in trademark applications last year.

Within the framework of the approval of the Turquality Committee in accordance with the "Communiqué on The Promotion of Activities for the Branding of Turkish Products Abroad and The Promotion of Activities for The Placement of the Image of Turkish Goods" Turquality certificate is issued.

Turquality-From Turkey term refers to TURQUALITY certificate protected by Turkish patent institute on behalf of the Ministry of Economy under paragraph 1 (g) of Article 7 of the Decree on the Protection of Trademarks No. 556 with pantone 3125 fond and following design.

Supporting Foreign Unit, Brand and Promotion Activities

Who can benefit?

-Companies engaged in commercial and/or industrial activities in Turkey and cooperation organizations

Promotion and/or trademark registration of companies engaged in commercial, industrial/commercial activities or software sectors in Turkey, ensuring the wide-ranging and long-term promotion of their products in foreign markets expenses related to its activities and the expenses of stores they have opened or will open for the purpose of operating for the trade of goods abroad are covered by the Support and Price Stability Fund in accordance with international rules.

Supporting Exhibition Participation abroad

Who can benefit?

-The organizers who organize the international exhibitions and the companies and organizations participating in the exhibitions abroad and the companies and organizations that participate individually in the international exhibitions of sectoral nature.

Supporting export by promoting and marketing of Turkish export products by companies participating in international exhibitions abroad and providing their individual participation in international exhibitions of sectoral nature.

Market Research and Market Entry Support

Who can benefit?

-Companies and software companies engaged in commercial and/or industrial activities in Turkey

A- Support for Overseas Market Research

To cover the expenses related to foreign market research travels carried out by industrial and/or commercial companies and companies operating in the software sector.

B- Report and Overseas Company Acquisition Support

Reimbursement of expenses related to consultancy services (including financial and legal consultancy) for purchase of foreign companies and sector, country, foreign company or brand-oriented reports (including financial and legal reports) ordered and purchased from international organizations in order to create market entry strategies and action plans for foreign market access.

C- Sectoral Trade Delegation and Purchasing Committee Programs Support

It is aimed to support the expenses related to the sectoral trade delegation and purchasing committee programs organized by the entities under the coordination of the Ministry.

D- Membership Support for e-Commerce Sites

To cover the membership costs of companies to e-commerce sites those are not intended for the end consumer.

Support for the Development of International Competitiveness

Who can benefit?

-Collective, joint stock, limited and cooperative companies as specified in article 136 of the Turkish Commercial Code engaged in commercial and/or industrial activities or operating in the software sector can benefit. Up to 4 people from one company can participate in each training program.

A- Training expenses of training programs to be organized by trainers in Turkey to increase the competitiveness of industrial and/or commercial activities companies and companies operating in the software sector in international markets are supported.

B- Support of Project Based Training, Consultancy, Overseas Marketing, Purchasing Committee and Individual Consultancy Programs and Employment Expenses.

It is the support of project-based expenses of cooperation organizations deemed appropriate by the Ministry.

Employment Support

It is aimed at providing the employment of experienced and highly trained managers and staff by Sectoral Foreign Trade companies in order to carry out the operations related to foreign trade exclusively.

Participation in Domestic International Specialized Exhibitions

Who can benefit?

-Organizing companies can benefit.

It is a support for the aim of providing external promotion of international domestic residency exhibitions and increasing participation at international level. A certain proportion of the expenses related to promotional activities carried out by local organizers in accordance with the criteria to be determined by the Ministry of Economy are covered before and during the exhibition.

ÜNSPED is an expert in all operational conformity assessment scrutiny processes. Operational business processes during the conformity assessment initiated in Turkey are recorded from time to time via terminals with data entries made by operations personnel in the field. When requested, these records can be viewed over the internet or sent in instant e-mail and can be reported regularly at the desired intervals.


According to the Customs Legislation, the deposit of taxes and duties of goods imported under the exemption to be retrieved in exchange for a certain commitment is defined as collateral. ÜNSPED, Collateral Department, in accordance with the relevant legislation, provides services for the resolution of customs duties and other co-effective taxes and financial burdens linked to the accrued collateral of goods subject to customs regimes.‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

To follow-up and request before the relevant institutions on behalf of our customers collaterals granted at the import stage of the goods subject to customs exemption and following the fulfillment of the obligation and to finalize the operations and deliver returned amounts to our customers.

Our Collateral Department also offers a discounted tariff on the guarantees that must be given to customs in inward processing, customs warehouse, temporary import and customs control processing regimes, which are various benefits of YYS and Approved Person Status Documents. It makes it easier for them to benefit from the Collateral System, which gives the company an economic advantage. Our customers may be able to change collateral of exemption goods with a collateral other than they are bound by according to the Customs Legislation (e.g. Cash-Letter, Letter-Cash, Letter-Letter, Cash-Cash etc.) on all collateral operations;

-Collateral refund of operations made under article 128 and 131 of the Customs Code

-Collateral refunds of DİİB and DİB operations made under the Inward Processing Regime No. 2006/12

-Transit operations

-Warehouse operations

-Subsequent submission of circulatory documents

-Freight Asset Research

-ATA Report Card

-Investment Incentive

-All collateral refund operations of Additional Financial Liabilities are supported for our companies by the expert employees of our Collateral Department.

Şehir Seçiniz

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Edirne Kapıkule Şube

Kapıkule Yolu Üzeri Londra Camping Tesisleri No: 7 Kapıkule / EDİRNE

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Yalova Şube

Yalova - Kocaeli Yolu Üzeri EKOL Yalova RoRo Terminali AŞ No:4/1, 77040 Taşköprü/Çiftlikköy/Yalova

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Kocaeli Dilovası Şube

Fatih Caddesi Dilovası Organize Sanayi Bölgesi , Dilovası Gümrük Binası Kat:2 Dilovası / KOCAELİ

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Kocaeli (Körfez) Yarımca Şube

Mimarsinan Mahallesi İbni Sina Caddesi Cebeci Apartmanı No:5 Kat:1 Körfez /KOCAELİ

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Tuzla Deri Serbest Bölge Şube

İstanbul Deri Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Kumpas Cd. No:38 /1 Aydınlı/Tuzla/İstanbul(Şahinoğlu Restoran Yanı)

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Adana Yumurtalık Serbest Bölge Şube

Sönmez Çimento Yapı ve Madencilik Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş Zemin Kat Ceyhan / ADANA

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Konya Şube

Büyükkayacık Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Mahallesi 402. Sokak No:4/1-304 Selçuklu /KONYA

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Esenboğa Havalimanı Şube

Esenboğa Merkez Mahallesi Özal Bulvarı No:325/69 Çubuk / ANKARA

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Eskişehir Şube

75.Yıl Mahallesi Teknoloji Bulvarı İş ve Ticaret Merkezi No:26/B Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Odunpazarı /ESKİŞEHİR

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Kocaeli Derince Şube

İstasyon Caddesi - Rıza Bey Sokak Özbolu İş Merkezi No :7 Kat : 2 D: 4 Derince / Kocaeli

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Trabzon Şube

İskenderpaşa Mahallesi Dervişoğlu Sokak Gümüş Batu İş Merkezi No:9 Kat:5 D:21 Ortahisar / TRABZON

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İzmir Şube (Ege Bölge Müdürlüğü)

Dokuz Eylül Mahallesi Akçay Caddesi No:113/1 Gaziemir/İZMİR

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Adana Şube

Emek Mahallesi Barış Bulvarı No:41 Seyhan / ADANA

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Adana Ceyhan Şube

Sarımazı Mahallesi Adana Yumurtalık Serbest Bölgesi Gümrük Ofisleri Ceyhan/ADANA

Ankara Kahramankazan Şube

Ankara Lojistik Üssü Fethiye Mahallesi, Yönetim Binası C Blok, Zemin Kat No:145/14 Kahramankazan / ANKARA

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Ankara Şube

Kavacık Subay Evleri Mahallesi Şehit Ömer Halis Demir Bulvarı No:99 Keçiören / ANKARA

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Antalya Şube

Liman Mahallesi 42.Sokak Turkuaz Park Evleri No:7 A Blok Daire:1 Konyaaltı /ANTALYA

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Antalya Havalimanı Şube

Yenigöl Mahallesi, Serik Caddesi, Antalya Havalimanı Yeni Kargo Terminali No:100 KRT:Z39 Muratpaşa/ Antalya

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Bandırma Şube

Mehmet Akif Ersoy Caddesi No:29 Zemin Kat Bandırma Ticaret Odası

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Bursa Şube

Emek Zekai Gümüşdiş Mahallesi Sanayi Caddesi No:592 Daire:8 Osmangazi / BURSA

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Bursa Gemlik Şube

Ata Mahallesi 109 No'lu Sokak No:10/2 Gemlik/BURSA

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Çanakkale Şube

Cevat Paşa Mahallesi, Ordu Sokak 21/1 Kat:1 Daire:3 Merkez / ÇANAKKALE

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Denizli Şube

Sırakapılar Mahallesi 503 Sokak No: 4/4 Özer İş Merkezi Merkezefendi /DENİZLİ

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Gaziantep Şube

Gaziantep GASBAŞ Serbest Bölgesi 1 No'lu Bulvar Yeni Gümrük Binası Kat:4 No:410/411 GAZİANTEP

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Hatay İskenderun Şube

Çay Mahallesi Tayfur Sökmen Bulvarı İskenderun Plaza 19/2 C blok Kat:3 Daire:10 İskenderun / HATAY

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Mersin Şube

Yeni Mahallesi İsmet İnönü Bulvarı Umat Plaza Sitesi Umat Plaza No: 54A Akdeniz / MERSİN

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Ambarlı Şube

Limanlaryolu Caddesi Marmara Mahallesi Ambarlı Liman Tesisleri Altaş Hizmet Binası Kat:3 No:58 Yakuplu Beylikdüzü / İSTANBUL

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Atatürk Havalimanı Serbest Bölge Şubesi

Atatürk Havalimanı Serbest Bölge A blok İlave Kat No:404 Yeşilköy / İSTANBUL

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Atatürk Havalimanı Şubesi

Atatürk Havalimanı Kargo Binası Yeni Aceteler Bloğu A1 No'lu Ofis Yeşilköy/ İSTANBUL

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Çatalca Şube

Ferhatpaşa Serbest Bölge Mahallesi Açelya Sokak Mığı İş Merkezi Kat:2 No:109 Trakya Serbest Bölge Çatalca / İSTANBUL

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Erenköy Şube

Atatürk Mahallesi Dudullu Yolu Keskinkılıç Plaza No:41 Kat:2-3-4 Ataşehir / İSTANBUL

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Hızlı Kargo Grubu

Tayakadın Mahallesi Nuri Demirağ Caddesi No:15 34283 Arnavutköy/ İSTANBUL

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İstanbul Havalimanı Şube

Tayakadın Mahallesi Nuri Demirdağ Caddesi No:27 Arnavutköy / İSTANBUL

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Muratbey Şube

Muratbey Merkez Mahallesi Güzide Sokak No:20/1 1B02 Çatalca / İSTANBUL

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Sabiha Gökçen Havalimanı Şubesi

Sabiha Gökçen Havalimanı Kargo Terminali Asma kat C Blok A-45 Sabiha Gökçen / İSTANBUL

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Başakşehir Şube

Ziya Gökalp Mahallesi Bedrettin Dalan Bulvarı Aykosan Sanayi Sitesi Girişi İkitelli Başakşehir / İSTANBUL ( İstanbul Posta Gümrük Müdürlüğü- Dilek Pastanesi Karşısı)

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Erenköy Şube II. (Ataşehir Şube)

Atatürk Mahallesi Vatan Caddesi No:43 Ataşehir / İSTANBUL

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Menemen (İzbaş) Şube

Atatürk Bulvarı No:2/1 İzmir Serbest Bölge Menemen /İZMİR

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İzmir Esbaş

Zafer Serbest Bölge Mahallesi 144/1 Sokak Akçay Caddesi Gümrükçü Ofisleri Zemin Kat Esbaş / İZMİR

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İzmir Alsancak Şube

1476 /1 Sokak No:3 Daire:12 Kat:1 İsmet Şen İş Merkezi Alsancak/ İZMİR

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İzmir Aliağa Şube

Atatürk Caddesi Çakmaklı Köyü No:20/F Çakmaklı Cami Yanı Aliağa/ İZMİR

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Adnan Menderes Havalimanı Şubesi

Adnan Menderes Havalimanı, Kargo Binası D:4 Büro Alanı B Blok No:5 Gaziemir /İZMİR

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Kayseri Şube

Anbar Mahallesi, 54 Cadde, No:17/B Melikgazi-KAYSERİ

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Kocaeli Kosbaş Şube

Sepetlipınar Serbest Bölge Mahallesi 107.Cadde No:12 A/4 Kullanıcı Ofisleri Başiskele / KOCAELİ

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Manisa Şube

Manisa Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 5.Kısım Hasan Türek Bulvarı No:18 MANİSA

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Samsun Şube

Hançerli Mah Dervişzade Sokak 12/4 İlkadım /SAMSUN

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Tekirdağ Çorlu - Avrupa Serbest Bölge Şube

Kara Mehmet Mahallesi Avrupa Serbest Bölgesi Adnan Arısoy Bulvarı No:1/1 Z07 Ergene / TEKİRDAĞ

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Tekirdağ Şube

Yavuz Mahallesi Şaraphane Caddesi No:37 Süleymanpaşa / TEKİRDAĞ

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Tekirdağ Çerkezköy Şube

İstasyon Mahallesi, Hacı Fahri Zümbül Caddesi, No:6A Çerkezköy/ TEKİRDAĞ

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Havacılık Ofisi (Kurtköy)

SAW Kargo Binası Asma Kat, C Blok / No: A18 Kurtköy / İSTANBUL

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Aksaray Şube

Taşpınar Beldesi Erenler OSB Mh. Atatürk Bulvarı No:1 Merkez / AKSARAY

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Aksaray Şube

Zafer Serbest Bölge Mahallesi 144/1 Sokak Akçay Caddesi Gümrükçü Ofisleri Zemin Kat Esbaş / İZMİR

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Aksaray Şube

Zafer Serbest Bölge Mahallesi 144/1 Sokak Akçay Caddesi Gümrükçü Ofisleri Zemin Kat Esbaş / İZMİR

Basbaş Şube

Aşağıkırıklar mah. Batı Anadolu serbest bölgesi kanal cad. No:1/1 iç kapı no:Z5 Bergama /İzmir

Basbaş Şube

Aşağıkırıklar mah. Batı Anadolu serbest bölgesi kanal cad. No:1/1 iç kapı no:Z5 Bergama /İzmir

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Adana Yumurtalık Serbest Bölge Şube


Sönmez Çimento Yapı ve Madencilik Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş Zemin Kat Ceyhan / ADANA

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Adana Şube


Emek Mahallesi Barış Bulvarı No:41 Seyhan / ADANA

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Adana Ceyhan Şube


Sarımazı Mahallesi Adana Yumurtalık Serbest Bölgesi Gümrük Ofisleri Ceyhan/ADANA

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Aksaray Şube


Taşpınar Beldesi Erenler OSB Mh. Atatürk Bulvarı No:1 Merkez / AKSARAY

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Esenboğa Havalimanı Şube


Esenboğa Merkez Mahallesi Özal Bulvarı No:325/69 Çubuk / ANKARA

Ankara Kahramankazan Şube


Ankara Lojistik Üssü Fethiye Mahallesi, Yönetim Binası C Blok, Zemin Kat No:145/14 Kahramankazan / ANKARA

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Ankara Şube


Kavacık Subay Evleri Mahallesi Şehit Ömer Halis Demir Bulvarı No:99 Keçiören / ANKARA

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Antalya Şube


Liman Mahallesi 42.Sokak Turkuaz Park Evleri No:7 A Blok Daire:1 Konyaaltı /ANTALYA

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Antalya Havalimanı Şube


Yenigöl Mahallesi, Serik Caddesi, Antalya Havalimanı Yeni Kargo Terminali No:100 KRT:Z39 Muratpaşa/ Antalya

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Bandırma Şube


Mehmet Akif Ersoy Caddesi No:29 Zemin Kat Bandırma Ticaret Odası

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Bursa Şube


Emek Zekai Gümüşdiş Mahallesi Sanayi Caddesi No:592 Daire:8 Osmangazi / BURSA

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Bursa Gemlik Şube


Ata Mahallesi 109 No'lu Sokak No:10/2 Gemlik/BURSA

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Çanakkale Şube


Cevat Paşa Mahallesi, Ordu Sokak 21/1 Kat:1 Daire:3 Merkez / ÇANAKKALE

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Denizli Şube


Sırakapılar Mahallesi 503 Sokak No: 4/4 Özer İş Merkezi Merkezefendi /DENİZLİ

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Edirne Kapıkule Şube


Kapıkule Yolu Üzeri Londra Camping Tesisleri No: 7 Kapıkule / EDİRNE

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Eskişehir Şube


75.Yıl Mahallesi Teknoloji Bulvarı İş ve Ticaret Merkezi No:26/B Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Odunpazarı /ESKİŞEHİR

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Gaziantep Şube


Gaziantep GASBAŞ Serbest Bölgesi 1 No'lu Bulvar Yeni Gümrük Binası Kat:4 No:410/411 GAZİANTEP

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Hatay İskenderun Şube


Çay Mahallesi Tayfur Sökmen Bulvarı İskenderun Plaza 19/2 C blok Kat:3 Daire:10 İskenderun / HATAY

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Tuzla Deri Serbest Bölge Şube


İstanbul Deri Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Kumpas Cd. No:38 /1 Aydınlı/Tuzla/İstanbul(Şahinoğlu Restoran Yanı)

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Ambarlı Şube


Limanlaryolu Caddesi Marmara Mahallesi Ambarlı Liman Tesisleri Altaş Hizmet Binası Kat:3 No:58 Yakuplu Beylikdüzü / İSTANBUL

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Atatürk Havalimanı Serbest Bölge Şubesi


Atatürk Havalimanı Serbest Bölge A blok İlave Kat No:404 Yeşilköy / İSTANBUL

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Atatürk Havalimanı Şubesi


Atatürk Havalimanı Kargo Binası Yeni Aceteler Bloğu A1 No'lu Ofis Yeşilköy/ İSTANBUL

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Çatalca Şube


Ferhatpaşa Serbest Bölge Mahallesi Açelya Sokak Mığı İş Merkezi Kat:2 No:109 Trakya Serbest Bölge Çatalca / İSTANBUL

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Erenköy Şube


Atatürk Mahallesi Dudullu Yolu Keskinkılıç Plaza No:41 Kat:2-3-4 Ataşehir / İSTANBUL

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Hızlı Kargo Grubu


Tayakadın Mahallesi Nuri Demirağ Caddesi No:15 34283 Arnavutköy/ İSTANBUL

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İstanbul Havalimanı Şube


Tayakadın Mahallesi Nuri Demirdağ Caddesi No:27 Arnavutköy / İSTANBUL

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Muratbey Şube


Muratbey Merkez Mahallesi Güzide Sokak No:20/1 1B02 Çatalca / İSTANBUL

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Sabiha Gökçen Havalimanı Şubesi


Sabiha Gökçen Havalimanı Kargo Terminali Asma kat C Blok A-45 Sabiha Gökçen / İSTANBUL

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Başakşehir Şube


Ziya Gökalp Mahallesi Bedrettin Dalan Bulvarı Aykosan Sanayi Sitesi Girişi İkitelli Başakşehir / İSTANBUL ( İstanbul Posta Gümrük Müdürlüğü- Dilek Pastanesi Karşısı)

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Erenköy Şube II. (Ataşehir Şube)


Atatürk Mahallesi Vatan Caddesi No:43 Ataşehir / İSTANBUL

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Havacılık Ofisi (Kurtköy)


SAW Kargo Binası Asma Kat, C Blok/ No: A18 Kurtköy / İSTANBUL

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İzmir Şube (Ege Bölge Müdürlüğü)


Dokuz Eylül Mahallesi Akçay Caddesi No:113/1 Gaziemir/İZMİR

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Menemen (İzbaş) Şube


Atatürk Bulvarı No:2/1 İzmir Serbest Bölge Menemen /İZMİR

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İzmir Esbaş


Zafer Serbest Bölge Mahallesi 144/1 Sokak Akçay Caddesi Gümrükçü Ofisleri Zemin Kat Esbaş / İZMİR

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İzmir Alsancak Şube


1476 /1 Sokak No:3 Daire:12 Kat:1 İsmet Şen İş Merkezi Alsancak/ İZMİR

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İzmir Aliağa Şube


Atatürk Caddesi Çakmaklı Köyü No:20/F Çakmaklı Cami Yanı Aliağa/ İZMİR

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Adnan Menderes Havalimanı Şubesi


Adnan Menderes Havalimanı, Kargo Binası D:4 Büro Alanı B Blok No:5 Gaziemir /İZMİR

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Kayseri Şube


Anbar Mahallesi, 54 Cadde, No:17/B Melikgazi-KAYSERİ

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Kocaeli Dilovası Şube


Fatih Caddesi Dilovası Organize Sanayi Bölgesi , Dilovası Gümrük Binası Kat:2 Dilovası / KOCAELİ

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Kocaeli (Körfez) Yarımca Şube


Mimarsinan Mahallesi İbni Sina Caddesi Cebeci Apartmanı No:5 Kat:1 Körfez /KOCAELİ

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Kocaeli Derince Şube


İstasyon Caddesi - Rıza Bey Sokak Özbolu İş Merkezi No :7 Kat : 2 D: 4 Derince / KOCAELİ

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Kocaeli Kosbaş Şube


Sepetlipınar Serbest Bölge Mahallesi 107.Cadde No:12 A/4 Kullanıcı Ofisleri Başiskele / KOCAELİ

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Konya Şube


Büyükkayacık Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Mahallesi 402. Sokak No:4/1-304 Selçuklu /KONYA

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Manisa Şube


Manisa Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 5.Kısım Hasan Türek Bulvarı No:18 MANİSA

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Mersin Şube


Yeni Mahallesi İsmet İnönü Bulvarı Umat Plaza Sitesi Umat Plaza No: 54A Akdeniz / MERSİN

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Samsun Şube


Hançerli Mah Dervişzade Sokak 12/4 İlkadım /SAMSUN

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Tekirdağ Çorlu - Avrupa Serbest Bölge Şube


Kara Mehmet Mahallesi Avrupa Serbest Bölgesi Adnan Arısoy Bulvarı No:1/1 Z07 Ergene / TEKİRDAĞ

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Tekirdağ Şube


Yavuz Mahallesi Şaraphane Caddesi No:37 Süleymanpaşa / TEKİRDAĞ

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Tekirdağ Çerkezköy Şube


İstasyon Mahallesi, Hacı Fahri Zümbül Caddesi, No:6A Çerkezköy/ TEKİRDAĞ

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Trabzon Şube


İskenderpaşa Mahallesi Dervişoğlu Sokak Gümüş Batu İş Merkezi No:9 Kat:5 D:21 Ortahisar / TRABZON

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Yalova Şube


Yalova - Kocaeli Yolu Üzeri EKOL Yalova RoRo Terminali AŞ No:4/1, 77040 Taşköprü/Çiftlikköy/Yalova