Workplace Health

Workplace Health & Safety

Our Company considers protecting the health and safety of our employees as one of its top priorities. Our occupational health and safety policy has been established to provide employees with a healthy and safe working environment. 

Occupational physicians and occupational safety specialists work within our Company.

Our basic principles are Legal Compliance, Risk Management, Training, Awareness Raising, Preventive Measures, and Continuous Improvement.

Our Company proudly holds the ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certificate, a testament to our unwavering commitment to occupational health and safety. All necessary OHS activities are meticulously carried out within the scope of sustainability.

Pursuant to Article 22 of Law No. 6331, an Occupational Health and Safety Board has been established at our Headquarters and branches with 50 or more employees. This board discusses and resolves all activities related to occupational health and safety.                        

As part of our proactive approach to employee safety, one of our key priorities is providing comprehensive 'Occupational Health and Safety' training. These trainings, conducted by our OHS professionals, are given to our newly recruited personnel before they commence work and to our existing personnel upon the expiration of their renewal period.

Our workplace physician conducts periodic occupational health and recruitment examinations in our Company. There is also an emergency response room and the necessary medicines, medical tools, and equipment for emergencies.

As a company, to create safer and healthier environments in the workplace with the principle of “Our Employees are Our Most Valuable Resource”;

Risk Assessment Studies are carried out at our Headquarters and branches, and our Risk Assessment Team carries out studies to prevent and minimize the risk. “Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Risk Assessment Management System Program” has been implemented with the Information Technologies Department to carry out OHS Risk Assessment studies more healthily and systematically in our company. All data is transferred to the system, and transactions are carried out through the system.

Teams formed within the scope of emergency plans at the Head Office and branches are first aid, fire fighting, search, rescue and evacuation, protection and technical protection, and communication teams. Our personnel assigned to the teams have completed their training from authorized institutions and successfully received their certificates. Our personnel were provided with Search, Rescue, and Evacuation training at the Disaster Training Center of the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Disaster and Emergency and Earthquake and Flood training with simulations to raise their awareness.

Thermal Comfort (heat, humidity), Lighting, Leakage Current Protection Relay, Grounding Measurement, Electrical Internal Installation, Electrical Panel, Ventilation Installation, Lightning Protection Installation, Generator, Sectional Doors, Pressure Vessels and Tanks, Fire Detection and Alarm System, Fire Cabinet System, Fire Pump Station, Fire Water Tank, Sprinkler System periodic inspections are carried out by authorized accredited organizations. A conformity report is obtained so our personnel can work in a healthier and safer environment in our headquarters and branches.

Occupational Accident and Near-Miss Records are kept, and Occupational Accident notifications are made to the Social Security Institution (SSI) in due time. In addition, for our employees who are separated from work for an extended period due to work accidents or any other reason, informative training is given again before they return to work, the relevant reports are examined by the Occupational Health and Safety Unit and preventive measures are taken.

Within the Demand Tracking System (TTS), the work and transactions carried out and to be carried out with the Occupational Health and Safety Management System and Occupational Health and Safety Time Documents application are entered into the system and kept electronically. Timed works and transactions are easily tracked, and e-mail notifications are sent to the relevant persons when the deadline arrives. The transactions are followed up.

At UGM, our aim in occupational health and safety, as in every field, is to create awareness of occupational health and safety by building awareness and ensuring that employees are healthy and happy by raising trained people in occupational health and safety.

Our goal is zero work accidents