


Sustainability at UGM

Ünsped Customs Consultancy and Logistics Services Inc. (UGM), as a company with a vision of becoming a global brand in its field of activity, adopts a determined policy to integrate the concept of sustainability into its current activities, future investments and value chain, to support sustainable development and to act in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The main purpose of this policy is to ensure environmental, social and economic sustainability in all operations of UGM and to make positive contributions to society. The sustainability policy forms the basis of UGM activities and is included in the business model to be implemented in all departments, starting from the board of directors. UGM continues to strengthen its investments and services in terms of sustainability performance, taking into account the goal of "Decent Work and Economic Growth" as well as its financial targets. Aware of its impact on ecological, economic and social dimensions, UGM commits to developing the following SDGs as its primary focus by 2030 and to shape its operations accordingly: UGM provides services that consume less energy and are sensitive to human health and environmental resources. UGM supports innovative initiatives that offer pathways to a low-carbon economy that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint in line with the United Nations Science Based Targets Initiative. It continues to research and integrate the best technologies in this field into its projects. In this context, it supports studies on reducing waste, using resources efficiently, and recovering chemicals and energy within the scope of the European Green Deal.

Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Efficiency: We will use energy efficient equipment and technologies to reduce our energy consumption. We will develop energy saving applications. Waste Management: We will implement a systematic waste management program to reduce and recycle our waste. We will encourage the recycling of paper, plastic and electronic waste. Carbon Footprint: We will use sustainable logistics solutions and green energy sources to minimize carbon emissions. We will develop reduction strategies by measuring our carbon footprint.
Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility
Employee Rights and Safety: We will prioritize the health and safety of our employees. We will adhere to equality and fair wage policies in the workplace. Social Contribution: We will support social projects in society. We will take part in projects that will increase the welfare of society in employment, education, health and environment. Education and Development: We will contribute to the professional development of our employees and provide continuous education and development opportunities.
Economic Sustainability
Economic Sustainability
Efficiency and Quality: We will aim to ensure economic sustainability by increasing efficiency and quality in our operations. We will develop long-term relationships by prioritizing customer satisfaction. Transparency and Ethics: We will adhere to transparency and ethical standards in our business processes. We will accept honesty as a basic principle in all our business practices and will exhibit fair behavior.
Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Rules
Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Rules
Compliance with Legislation: We will comply with all legal regulations and standards related to environmental, social and economic sustainability. We will regularly review compliance processes.
Continuous Improvement and Monitoring
Continuous Improvement and Monitoring
Performance Monitoring: We will regularly monitor our performance to achieve our sustainability goals. We will create action plans to ensure continuous development by identifying areas for improvement. Feedback and Communication: We will be in constant communication with our internal and external stakeholders about our sustainability policy. We will update our policies and practices by taking feedback into account.
Principles, Commitments and Practices
Principles, Commitments and Practices
UGM's mission, vision and strategy are determined in accordance with the sustainability policy. Awareness of sustainable practices is provided with the active participation of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board; issues that conflict with sustainability policies are examined, reported and short, medium and long-term sustainability targets are determined and updated. In order to achieve high efficiency in its environmental, social and managerial activities, UGM develops labor rights, social justice, business ethics, workforce diversity, quality education, gender and equal opportunities, risk management, commitment and cooperation with stakeholders, legal compliance; takes preventive measures against corruption, bribery, mobbing, discrimination and child labor. In this context, UGM regularly reviews and updates its sustainability policy in line with the opinions of the relevant departments and directs all its employees to implement these policies.
Corporate Environmental Protection
Corporate Environmental Protection
UGM adopts the principle of determining new targets for the reduction of carbon emissions, energy and water consumption and continuous improvement of processes within the scope of environmental management systems. UGM primarily targets the waste management hierarchy and the “Zero Waste Project” in order to reduce the amount of waste at its source. 8. Communication with our Stakeholders and NGOs Customers, public institutions, company partners, NGOs, universities, media, suppliers and UGM employees constitute the stakeholder range of UGM. UGM aims to experience zero accidents and zero occupational diseases, OHS performance is monitored and the root cause of incidents that threaten the health and safety of those in the workplace is addressed. In principle, proactive and corrective activities are adopted for a sustainable work environment. UGM focuses on training on sustainability and strives to ensure that employees realize their competencies and their own potential.
Transparency and Accountability
Transparency and Accountability
UGM has adopted the principle of obtaining the rules to be applied and the decisions taken through participatory means. It adopts the principle of consulting the working team, beneficiaries, partners, customers and other stakeholders who will be affected by the decisions taken in making decisions and providing these rules to all stakeholders. It pays attention to the accessibility and understandability of information. Transparency refers to the fact that the duties, authorities and responsibilities in the company management, as well as the decision and service processes, are known and clear in advance; that the decisions, documents and information produced are accessed and that activity and audit reports are published. In this context, it is aware that the most important effect of transparency is the increase in trust in the company and management. The company culture, which values the feedback from the board and committees, ensures participation in the decisions it makes and also ensures the control of the decisions taken. Transparency, which is the provision of access to the decisions taken and the decision-making, constitutes the first stage of accountability. Accountability, on the other hand, is the necessity of making a statement to another authority for what has been done. Accountability is the obligation to explain the performance demonstrated and to explain, present or prove how or in what way responsibilities are fulfilled. In this context, accountability is to respond to responsibilities, report, make statements, assume responsibilities and be open and ready for public evaluation and judgment. Accountability ensures that managers act in a way that can answer every question in fulfilling their authorities and duties and not forgetting their responsibilities. At the same time, it will ensure that resources are used effectively in accordance with the benefit of all stakeholders and the public, and that activities are carried out openly to internal and external evaluations. UGM, which carries out its work with this awareness, adopts the principle of making it a company culture for all personnel from the lowest to the highest level to be accountable to their superiors in the implementation of the accountability principle.