Product Development Director


What is Metaverse?

The concept of the metaverse. Metaverse, derived from the combination of the Greek words "Meta" meaning "after, beyond" and the English "Universe", simply means "Transuniverse". To explain briefly, Metaverse is a collective virtual sharing space created by combining all digital worlds, that is, we can call it the fictional universe in which all digital worlds exist. According to many market stakeholders, it will be possible to access this Metaverse universe, which will be created in the future, through virtual reality or augmented reality.

'It is difficult to define the Metaverse, which is seen as the future of the Internet, while it is still at the conceptual stage... It is the bringing together of the Metaverse concept, social media resources, augmented reality games and virtual reality online games on a single platform. So, it is a virtual reality that will enhance the user's experience on a whole new level. Sound and other sensory elements will give the user the experience of reality in the virtual fictional world.

Microsoft defines the metaverse as a digital space where a digital representation of people, places and things lives. As a result, it is possible to say that the metaverse brings elements of reality to the fictional virtual world. As the Metaverse becomes a reality, it will create an online space or platform that will be used by users to interact with each other in a multidimensional way. High-tech devices, such as a VR set, will be used for this experience. Metaverse dreams of creating a virtual world with virtual reality features.

Creating a space where the digital world and the physical world converge is what the metaverse wants to achieve. This is actually a 'Meta-universe' where the real and the virtual merge.

Metaverse is actually not a new concept that has entered our lives. The concept of metaverse first appeared in Neal Stephenson's science fiction novel Snow Crash, published in 1992. The novel refers to events in a 3D virtual environment with avatars of real people. In addition, augmented reality and virtual reality applications have actually been part of our lives for a long time, even with 2D video games such as Sims, Second Life, Fortnite or Open Simulator.

The Metaverse is a 3D online virtual world that allows people to virtually interact with each other, the environment, items and businesses. Additionally, the blockchain technology on which it is built, which allows users to interact virtually and use cryptocurrencies, is key to Metaverse.

We should think of the Metaverse not as a brand new technology, but as a place where many currently used technologies develop and take place together. We can think of it as a universe where Zeki Müren sees you too, and not only sees you, but also sits in a cafe and drinks tea.

Who stole my NFTs

NFT (Non Fungible Token) means "Non Fungible Token" or "Money that cannot be changed". NFT is a unit of data that certifies via blockchain that a digital asset is unique and therefore not interchangeable. These data avatars can be used to represent elements such as digital lots, streets, shops houses, video, audio or any other digital file type. However, access to any copy of the original file is not limited to the purchaser of the NFT. Anyone can acquire these digital items, and ownership information for NFT objects is stored on blockchains. In fact, we can express this as follows: All the assets that belong to us that we use in daily life may be similar or even the same in others, and we sometimes use them or carry them with us. However, the ownership and usage rights information of NFT assets, which we cannot physically keep with us in the virtual universe, are protected by blockchain. For this reason, it is not possible to steal NFTs in the metaverse it exists in.

NFT=cryptocurrency=any asset of value other than money,

NFT = a digital asset that has a value and is collectible

NFT Artworks and Copyright

Although NFT has introduced a new medium, especially for digital works of art, it does not foresee a radical change that will affect the content of copyrights. Because the person who creates a digital work will be protected as the owner of the work within the scope of FSEK, if he/she meets the conditions for work protection. In this respect, it is unimportant whether the work is in NFT format or not.

Evaluation of NFT within the Framework of Turkish Law

Legal interpretation of NFT; It would be best to do so under the headings of Personal Data Protection, Intellectual Property and Authority Issues. Many different interpretations and discussions still continue under these headings and are not established on a legal basis.

In accordance with the Regulation on the Non-Use of Crypto Assets in Payments published by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey on April 16, 2021, cryptocurrencies cannot be used directly or indirectly in payments made in Turkey. Therefore, carrying out NFT trading transactions with crypto money in Turkey will be against the law.

Why Metaverse?

It is predicted that the Metaverse platform will replace the internet and show a great economic rise.

With numerous advantages, the Metaverse space is an advanced architecture for digital identity and assets. This secure environment also offers users scalability and interoperability. The main purpose of this virtual platform is to help bring metadata to life. It will become clear with the Metaverse how the departments focusing on products such as commerce, virtual reality, creators, and communities will merge into a big idea.

With Metaverse projects that promise items to be present next to the person as NFT and avatars to walk between digital worlds, users may suddenly find themselves purchasing Metaverse NFT art in a virtual auction or talking to a distant colleague in the company's virtual office.

Who is the Owner of the Metaverse Universe?

Contrary to what some people think, Metaverse is not a product of Facebook; Even if Facebook changes its name to Meta. Neither Facebook nor any other person or technology company owns the metaverse. Just as the internet does not belong to any institution, the metaverse does not belong to anyone; an open platform.

There will not be a single owner of a large virtual universe in which companies will take part with their own services and services. The owners of the virtual universes, which are gradually increasing and can reach infinite size, will actually be the users with their accounts, the objects they own, all their assets, and the investors with the policies they will shape with their investments.

Characteristics of the Metaverse Universe

Metaverse, described as a digital space independent of different structures, can be expressed as a permanent meeting point defined for users. In the Metaverse, which is a space where digital is added to the physical, physical and digital environments coexist. In this way, this environment, which makes it possible to switch between different virtual experiences, creates a permanent virtual world. Its power comes from the virtual economy it will have.

An environment that we can enter in 3D

This world, which we can call the Metaverse world in Web 3.0, describes an environment that we can now enter in a 3D way.

So how will this be reflected in our lives?

Realistic Experience

Virtual reality headsets are worn on the head like large glasses and bring high-resolution screens supported by different lenses in front of people. With these screens, people's viewing angle is separated from the real world, thus directly entering the virtual world. These headsets also have advanced sensors that detect head movements and allow you to browse the virtual world by moving your head.

Metaverse actually refers to a completely digital environment. In other words, it is possible to connect to a digital universe from anywhere by wearing virtual reality glasses and wearing various equipment. There is no simple limit to what we can do in this universe. It may sound a little ridiculous when we talk about it like this, but in the near future the Metaverse will seriously come into our lives.

We will be able to shop.

You can shop from a virtual store of a famous brand with a virtual avatar and have it delivered to the address in the physical world. In this area, which is also referred to as the semi-virtual world, when the user picks up an item that falls to the ground while walking on the street, he will see the digital content placed on it playing. Imagine instantly visiting your friends on the other side of the world and even building your dream house in a second and “living” there. In its simplest form, this is what awaits us in the Metaverse!

We will be able to have conversation meetings.

In the Metaverse, you can have a real coffee drinking experience with an Oculus VR set with your friend who lives in another part of the world. Both you and your friend's avatar can engage in a completely natural conversation in a virtual coffee shop. The environment, voice, and avatars will be replicas of real life, creating the experience of your real-life encounters. But this is something the metaverse promises in the future.

We will even be able to take part in medical education

Today, we can only study with any Webcam at a very good university in Europe, but we will even be able to take part in medical education there. While the students are working with a cadaver, we will be able to work on the same cadaver. This will be a huge plus once I wear the necessary clothes.

Are transactions made in the metaverse legal?

We should point out that there is currently no legal basis on how land buying and selling transactions on Metaverse will be responded to in the real world. "Is it legal to buy land from Metaverse? There is no clarity on whether to buy or not to buy land right now. In other words, when you buy a land through Metaverse, tomorrow, the next day, the next day." When you say 'this land belongs to me', of course there is no Land Registry Directorate. If the Land Registry Directorate is also transferred to the Metaverse environment, then there is no legal tracking of it. Of course, this is a digital asset. You can say, "I bought the asset." This may take the courts, etc., but there is no legal basis at the moment. Therefore, such places can be sold, and there is no objection mechanism at the moment. Not only the land is sold, but also the domain names of many popular sites are on sale on Metaverse. It was bought by offering and sold for millions of liras on many websites and changed hands.

Just as it has never been possible to predict what will happen in the future, it is also uncertain who the ultimate winner will be in today's crypto craze.

Although this universe is limited to shopping, games or videos for now, it is eagerly awaited to see how it will shape the future.

However, experts state that it is necessary to take into account the fact that the plug may be pulled at any moment and the Metaverse universe may suddenly disappear.

What can we do in the Metaverse?

1.UGM Virtual Office (UGM office like home office),

2. A digital UGM head office, offices, with physical boundaries

3. Marketing with virtual customer visits,

4.Virtual trainings with Meta UGA,

5. Virtual tracking of goods, documents and processes,

6.Meta consultancy, Virtual meetings,


Virtual universes that we will be in on many topics such as these are waiting for us in the very near future.

It would probably be best to summarize this topic very well and end it with a video that makes us laugh and think.

Metaverse-Episode 291 (Güldür Güldür Show) - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtCF3WQu8zA)