In Our Enlightenment Meetings, We Drew Attention To "can Robots Take Our Jobs From Us? A Look At To Our Day's Reality From Science-fiction World" Theme

In our Enlightenment Meetings, We Drew Attention to "Can Robots Take Our Jobs from Us? A Look at to Our Day's Reality from Science-fiction World" Theme
In our Enlightenment Meetings, We Drew Attention to "Can Robots Take Our Jobs from Us? A Look at to Our Day's Reality from Science-fiction World" Theme

On the date of28 June 2017, in the scope of Enlightenment Meetings, Employee Communicationand Business Place Happiness Committee discussed the subject of "CanRobots Take Our Jobs from Us? A Look at to Our Day's Reality fromScience-fiction World" with Prof. Dr. Haluk LEVENT from KemerburgazUniversity İ. İ. B. Faculty International Logistics Management Department. 

EsteemedLEVENT mentioned that the subjects taking place in science-fiction movies arebecoming realized one by one in the world of present day and he also emphasizedthat 4th Industrial Revolution accelerated this process. He statedthat the most important element of 4th Industrial Revolution is highvolume data creation and at the same time this high volume data creation alsobrought many troublesome situations together with it. He put into words that itcaused a great leap in terms of holistic development of humanity and he hasevaluated the subject with a different point of view.

EsteemedLEVENT mentioned that together with the entrance of internet to our life manydifferent objects became connected to internet between themselves and beyondbeing connected, they showed collective action and he expressed that we areliving a period the production process which has changed holistically andtogether with this change, and he put into words that cybernetic systemsgradually took the place of live labor and this process caused social turmoils.

EsteemedLEVENT continued his statements by indicating that Cybernetic Systemsconfronted to our lives with two different types as biologic and artificialones and these systems are also a part of biologic assets including human beingand humane capacity scaled up with limitless measure. At the same time, he drewattention that cybernetic is an art of management concentrating onauto-control, auto-maintenance and information transfer and it also sheltersresolution process within it. However, he emphasized that there are many numberof automation and a few automation, limited number of human beings resolutionprocess and he also expressed that this situation shall lead to many joblosses.

He hascompleted his presentation by giving the samples about rapid business losses ofcybernetic production and the things we can do in order to prevent the negativecircumstances to be created by this system. In the end of the Seminar, plaqueswere presented to Prof. Dr. Haluk LEVENT by our Import Customer Representativeand also Employee Communication and Business Place Happiness Committee ChairmanMr. Yusuf DEĞER and our Human Resources Personnel Ms. Aslı SÖĞÜT.


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