Plaque Presentation Ceremony To The Winners Of The Composition Contest On Letters To Ataturk And To Our Selection Board

Plaque Presentation Ceremony to the Winners of the Composition Contest on Letters to Ataturk and to our Selection Board
Plaque Presentation Ceremony to the Winners of the Composition Contest on Letters to Ataturk and to our Selection Board

Appreciation plaques were presented at the ceremony held at our company's headquarters on 11.06.2021 to the participants and in the 19 May "Letters to Ataturk" themed composition competition, a joint project of our Ünsped Social Responsibility Committee and Ünsped Sports and Culture Club and to the selection board, who contributed to the organization including in Mrs. Aysel ÖZTÜRK, Mrs.  Semra DEMİRER, Prof. Dr. Fatma AYANOĞLU,  Mr. Yücel CANYARAN, Mr.  Melih Esen Cengiz ve Prof. Dr. Bilge DONUK.

List of Winners aged 17-65 

1-Sibel ARSLAN


3-Hasan UĞUR


List of Winners aged 11-16 



3-Munavvar NEBİZADE


Click to watch the video of our ceremony

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