Rising Power Of The Women In The Business Life

Rising Power of the Women in the Business Life
Rising Power of the Women in the Business Life

Ünsped Woman Leadership Development Committee visted the Mutual Aid and Solidarity Society of Saitabat Village Women in Bursa 2nd time on 6 June 2015, Saturday.

On this trip, in which managers and employees of İstanbul, Bursa, Gemlik, Yalova branches were participated theme was "Rising Power of the Women in the Business Life". Journalist Author Mrs.  Özlem Mekik, who is a speaker of 7 March Women's Day, IKEDA Management Consultant Mr. Serdar Yurdakul, UPS Sport and Culture School Coordinator Mrs. Semra Demirer, Blogger Mrs. Funda Aydeniz ve Mr. Hakan Aydeniz, our business partners, managers of different nongovernmental organizations and also Deputy Governor of Bursa Mr. Ergün Güngör and his wife, Provincial Deputy Manager of Family and Social Policies Mrs. Fikriye Aydın, Governorship Equality Unit Representative Senior Psychologist Mrs. Füsun Serim were participated in the special event. The event, started with the opening speech of Head of Mutual Aid and Solidarity Society of Saitabat Village Women Mrs. Sermin Cakalı, Human Resources Manager and Head of Woman Leadership Development Committee Mrs. Fazilet Patır and continued with the presentations  of Deputy Governor of Bursa Mr. Ergün Güngör, UPS Sport and Culture School Coordinator Mrs. Semra Demirer to the participants and warm conversations of Journalist Author Özlem Mekik,  IKEDA Management Consultant Mr. Serdar Yurdakul.

We learn that need to take a small step, successes are gained with team work and it is important that protect the region and ethnic culture from the women, who are the members of the association and turn a forest village, which even its name is unknown into the indispensible address of trips, gain money from the traditional anatolian cuisine and turned it into employment. 

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