Visa Examination Of Custom Regulations And Operations Course Within The Scope Of Brand Course Project Have Realized.

Visa Examination of Custom Regulations and Operations Course Within the Scope of Brand Course Project have realized.
Visa Examination of Custom Regulations and Operations Course Within the Scope of Brand Course Project have realized.

On 08.12.2017, a brand lecture protocol was signed between AltınbaşUniversity and Ünsped Customs Consultancy. The purpose of the protocol; Whileproviding students with a broad perspective by providing them withcommunication with people working in the business world, and by increasing thequality of education by institutionalizing university-industry collaboration,The aim of the brand course project named Custom Regulation and Operations is;At Altınbaş University, students studying in International Trade and LogisticsDepartment will be able to apply the rules of customs legislation and theformation of rules, to inform international legislation, internal legislationreflection and implementation and supervision of customs procedures.

Starting on January 29, 2018, It is important for the universitystudents to have a broad vision, to get new opportunities, to have a veryimportant opportunity to see the theory and practice together, the visaexamination of the Customs Legislation and Applications course within the scopeof the brand course project, On April 2, 2018 at the UGM Headquarters Magnoliameeting hall, Our Board Member - Mr. Mustafa SAĞDIÇ, Customs Consultant, who isone of the instructors of the related course, and UGA Education Expert -Instructor Mrs. Derya AYDIN. 

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