Giving Development Opportunity To The Young Generation: To Talk About Development Of Young Talent And Individual Leadership Topic, The Managing Partner And Pwn Istanbul Secretary General İn Aso Company Aylin Satun Olsun Was Our Guest.

Giving Development Opportunity To The Young Generation: To Talk About Development Of Young Talent And Individual Leadership Topic, The Managing Partner And PWN Istanbul Secretary General İn ASO Company Aylin SATUN OLSUN was Our Guest.
Giving Development Opportunity To The Young Generation: To Talk About Development Of Young Talent And Individual Leadership Topic, The Managing Partner And PWN Istanbul Secretary General İn ASO Company Aylin SATUN OLSUN was Our Guest.

Underthe leadership of the Unsped Young Generation Leadership Development Committeeand within the scope of Enlightening meetings, on 16.11.2017 Wednesday,12.30-13.30, UGM, at the MHÜ Conference Hall, to talk about the topic "Developmentfor Young Generation Facilities: Development of Young Talent and IndividualLeadership" the Managing Partner and PWN Istanbul Secretary General in ASOCompany Aylin SATUN OLSUN was our guest.

Mrs.OLSUN, who entered the seminar with the topic "Threats and Opportunitiesfor Today's Leaders in the Digitalizing World", later on expressed themultinational movement of the industrial revolution in the world is seen asbeing based on modernity and transformation, and it is expressed in othercountries by the transformation movement that started in England in the first1760s.

Mrs.Aylin OLSUN stated that the industry is composed of 3 phases: mechanization,serialization of production, automation and digitization and in recent yearsthe effects of such factors as cyber physical systems and the internet ofobjects have been added to the 4th stage, "Industry 4.0, and the industryreported that the production tools, their working environment, productionconditions, required knowledge, skills and competencies have changed.

Sayingthat success in the future will take place with more human dimension, Mrs.SATUN is informing that people in business life should be developed to be moreopen to cooperation, conversation and experience.

Mrs.OLSUN, who emphasizes that values and future culture, hidden in innovation, andthat business systems and practices must be differentiated to supportinnovative participation, she underlined that to keep the new generation ofliving with technology and to provide motivation; a strong leadership culture,planning and strategies to create flexible and mobile platforms to reach theemployees, mentoring leader models, processes that encourage regular learning,processes that give employees the opportunity to develop personal ideas, encouragehobbies and ideas for new ideas.

Ourmeeting has ended with presenting a memory plaquet to Mrs. Aylin SATUN OLSUNfrom our Young Generation Leadership Development Committee and collective photoshooting.

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