Ünsped Development Academy Education Specialist

With modernity, time has ceased to be a planning tool and has become a form of life. The concept of "time is money" has dominated the world. Technological developments have accelerated everything in our lives. Despite this, we are constantly trying to catch up and catch up on things. Despite all the developments and acceleration, we have all turned into people for whom 24 hours are insufficient. Modern man has become unable to manage his time due to many things to do and the abundance of technological stimuli. Planning correctly and managing time well is vital for modern people to determine their values and priorities.

Time is a concept evaluated from a different perspective in every branch of science in terms of its structure and meaning. The concept of time, defined in different ways in physics, economics, and sociology, has also been perceived differently culturally from past to present.

According to the understanding created based on the "unity of existence," the principle of time has a cyclical structure. This understanding is shared by Mesopotamian, Indian, Egyptian, Ancient Greek, and Roman civilizations. Time is experienced in a cyclical time, within repeated rhythms—birth, death, rebirth—like the cyclicality of the seasons.

The cyclicality of time being replaced by linear time occurs with monotheistic religions. Like all its creations, God created time and gave it a beginning and an end. Therefore, the feature of this understanding of time is the idea that the repetition of each passing day will never happen again and that time will end with the end of the world.

Nothing repeats; there are always new situations and events. A different perception of time means that the meaning given to it also differs, and the expectations from it also change. This difference in perception of time over time, in line with various factors, has united on a common denominator: the perception of modern time.


The modern perception of time began to form with the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. The increasing production speed with mechanization has turned humans into tools used only for this process. The Industrial Revolution, which started in Europe, quickly spread worldwide, and it became necessary to divide daily life into time periods to keep production under control and ensure working order. With factory work starting with the Industrial Revolution, people had to draw limits on the time that belonged to the employer. With this order, people have begun to live according to the clock cycle as a requirement of urban life.


American historian Lewis Mumford said that the most critical factor determining modern industrial time was the clock, not the steam engine. People who used to think they were the masters of time do not think of controlling time; time ends when the work is done. With the Industrial Revolution—and the modern understanding of the world that came with it—the concept of "measured time" entered our lives to ensure the order of social life.


With modernity, time has ceased to be a planning tool and has become a form of life. The concept of "time is money" has dominated the world. In primitive societies, people lived according to their physiological needs. Social space has become the determinant of time intervals in the modern world. For example, We wake up in the morning not because the sun rises but because our alarm goes off. We eat not just because we are hungry but because of a specific time to eat. In this context, time is regulated in our lives and the social sphere.


Technological developments have accelerated everything in our lives. Despite this, we are constantly trying to catch up on things. Years ago, when it took 3 seconds to open a website, there was no problem. In today's world, waiting 3 seconds for a page to open looks long. For example, Previously, we had to go to the bank and wait for a while to make a money transfer. Thanks to internet banking, we can perform this transaction in seconds.


However, despite all the developments and acceleration, we have all turned into people for whom 24 hours are insufficient. So, while everything is happening so fast in our lives and the time we have to spend is increasing, why are we always busy and need more time to spare for anything? The fast pace of the daily flow distorts our perception of time day by day. We need to be more tolerant and patient when dealing with anything slow. Due to the amount of work to be done, we try to do several things simultaneously and consider this a great success. We quickly check our e-mails while waiting in line, and while eating with our friends, we simultaneously wonder what our other friends are doing and check our social media accounts. We do not entirely focus on our experiences and continue our lives with our attention disconnected from our physical existence. We constantly complain about being unable to keep up and believe that we exist and are helpful as long as we are busy.


Are we that busy? Or why are we so busy?

Modern man has become unable to manage his time due to many things to do and the abundance of technological stimuli. It isn't easy in today's world to plan time effectively and comply with it. I want to discuss a method to help us here: "Eisenhower Matrix."

According to this matrix, we divide the work we intend to do into four categories. The technique's basis is Eisenhower, who was the US president between 1953 and 1961: "What is important is rarely urgent, what is urgent is rarely important." It's based on your word. This matrix forces us to think about what is urgent and essential, allowing us to focus on what is right and helping us eliminate time-wasting activities.


Another principle that can help us in today's world regarding time planning is the "Pareto Principle." In this principle, the system works: "The impact on a job.