On The Children's Festival Everbody Had Lots Of Fun

On the Children's Festival Everbody Had Lots of Fun
On the Children's Festival Everbody Had Lots of Fun

 On the Children's Festival, held on 24 April 2016, Sunday in the garden of UPS Sport and Culture Club under the guidence of Ünsped Social Responsible Committee within Ünsped Customs Brokerage everbody had lots of fun and lived their childhood.

On the Children's Festival, held in cooperation with Ünsped Social Responsibility Committee, Mavi Umut Educational Institutions and UPS Sport and Culture Club enjoyed and had a good day. Children's Festival, on which opening speech was made by Coordinator of UPS Sport and Culture Club, Mrs. Semra Demirer was thanked to all sponsors and those who contributed. After Independence March and One Minute's Silence, all participants accompanied with Tenth Years March, have been song all together enthusiastically in company with Head of Ünsped Social Responsibility Committee Mrs. Füsun Özcan Emir and committee members shaking Turkish flags.

On the festival, which everyting is considered completely to make happy childrens; entertaining competitions such as tug of war, egg-and-spoon race, musical chairs are held. In particular, bubble show attracted children's interest. On the festival, games were played, songs were sang, traditional tastes, such as popcorn, cotton candy, Ottoman's Syrup and Ottoman's Paste were distributed free of charges.  Thanks to the charity sale, families, who came with their children ate very delicious foods.

Children spent time on the jumping play pool, competed on the competitions and succeded competitors were received their medals. Children made paper marbling and painting, as well as making wood painting they spent a good time. Children, whose faces were painted had a very good day on the festival with clowns, mascots, sausage balloon show, dance shows and concerts for children and given surprise gifts.

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