Brand Course Protocol Was Signed Between Altınbaş University And Ünsped Customs Brokerage

Brand Course Protocol was signed between Altınbaş University and Ünsped Customs Brokerage
Brand Course Protocol was signed between Altınbaş University and Ünsped Customs Brokerage

BrandCourse Protocol was signed between Altınbaş University and Ünsped CustomsBrokerage on 08.12.2017. The goal of Brand Course Project named as CustomsRegulation and Operations is giving information about implementing andestablishing of the rules in the customs regulation, application and inspectionof the customs procedures by reflection international regulation to the localrules to the students, studying at the International Trade and Logistics ofAltınbaş University.

BrandCourse Project, which is a very important opportunity for university studentsto have a broad vision, to get new opportunities, to see theory and applicationtogether, will start in the second education period.

Theinnovative and progressive approaches of UGM and Altınbaş University willcontinue in the future and will create a model by bringing togetherprofessionals in the business world with university officials, academicians andstudents.

BrandCourse Protocol carried into action with the signatures of Rector of AltınbaşUniversity Prof. Dr. Mr. Çağrı ERHAN and UGM Board Chairman Gürbüz Hocaoğlu inthe Mahmutbey Campus of Altınbaş University.

The visitended after taking photo together after the wishes of the new cooperationprotocol signed for the parties to be good.

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