Ünsped Customs Consultancy Did Final Situation Briefing In Authorized Obligator Status

Ünsped Customs Consultancy did Final Situation Briefing in Authorized Obligator Status
Ünsped Customs Consultancy did Final Situation Briefing in Authorized Obligator Status

In Ünsped Customs Consultancy HeadOffice MHÜ Conference Salon, distinguished companies' import and exportdirectors participated in the conference having the subject of ''AuthorizedObligator Status - Final Situation Briefing'' on the date of 4 April 2017 at12.00 o'clock. Conference started with recording and cocktail and continuedbetween 13.00 - 17.00 hours.

Conference with the subject of''Authorized Obligator Status - Final Situation Briefing'' started with theopening speech of Ünsped Customs Consultancy Shareholder Mr. Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRKand continued with his salute for the participants. Former Customs GeneralManager, Legislation Consultant Mr. Cahit SOYSAL made his presentation in thesubject of "The Road Going to Authorized Obligator Status” and he sharedthe same with the related persons. In the scope of the subject; ProtectionistUnderstanding, From Protectionism to Free Trade, Developments After SecondWorld War, GATT Agreement, KYOTO Agreement, Breezes of KYOTO Agreement in 1615,1/95 Partnership Council Decision, Customs Law Number, Approved Parson Status (APS),Results of September 11 Events, Reflection of September 11 to CustomsLegislation, Agreement of Facilitating the Trade Created by the NewArrangements, Article Added to 4458 with and arranging YGS and Application ofApproved Parson Status were addressed. The subject of "Particularities toPay Attention in Application in YYS Process and After Obtaining the Certificate“was narrated by Ünsped Customs Consultancy Customs Consultant Mr. EdipGÜNGÖRDÜ.

Conferencewas realized as two sessions and in its 2nd Session, Istanbul Bilgi University'sAcademician Mr. Bülent COŞKUN narrated to the related persons the scope of ISO9001 and ISO 27001 Certificates in the applications of   AuthorizedObligator Certificate and details of Information Safety Management Systems.Ünsped Customs Consultancy CEO Dr. Hakan ÇINAR was the moderator of the paneland the questions of the participants related to the subject were answered byMr. Cahit SOYSAL, Mr. Bülent ERYILMAZ, Mr. Edip GÜNGÖRDÜ and Mr. Bülent COŞKUN.Conference took place interactively with great interest of the participants and all participants got their Participant Certificates inthe end of it.

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