We Talked About Success In Business Life With Dear Dr. Rüştü Bozkurt

 We Talked About Success in Business Life with Dear Dr. Rüştü BOZKURT
We Talked About Success in Business Life with Dear Dr. Rüştü BOZKURT

Our guest in the "Tips to Youth for Success" themed seminar which took place under the leadership of Young Generation Leadership Development Committee, within the scope of UGA Noon Talks in MHÜ Conference Hall on 13 October 2016 was Researcher and Economy Author Dear Dr. Rüştü BOZKURT.

In the seminar, Dear Dr.Rüştü BOZKURT talked about how to be successful in business life, the importance of role models and mentors in business life and the necessity of keeping up with the age that we live in in terms of information and generation by giving examples from his own business life. Dear Dr.Rüştü BOZKURT who highlighted that the success depends on foresight and the culture that we live in draw attention to using the mind that the God gave us well. Dear Dr.Rüştü BOZKURT stated that the cultural environment and value judgment that we live in have big impact on success, that we need to develop a method for success, and we can only be success and create difference if we observe the strengths and weaknesses of others and fill the gaps that those defects cause by pointing out the fact that we need to go after our objectives in motivated and enthusiastic manner.

He highlighted that the opportunities will rise only with a good analysis and research, that one of the important tips for success might be improving our analytical skills in the future and stop being traditional in our way of doing business and stand out via different and analytical thinking instead of memorizing. At the end of the seminar which took place as Q and A our Shareholder Dear Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRK presented Dear Dr.Rüştü BOZKURT his plaque and thanked him.


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