With Thanks To The Strongest Women, Our Mothers...

With Thanks to the Strongest Women, Our Mothers...
With Thanks to the Strongest Women, Our Mothers...

We are always grateful for our parents who raised as as strong individuals.

Our first investors are our mothers, just as an entrepreneur grows their business she invests us her love and time and prepares us for the future, we carry a piece of her in our own investments and every work that we do. We did not forget our mothers whom is with us or we lost, who instilled the values that makes us the people we are, have been with us when we fall/get up while we were learning the life, supported us in our failures/successes, sometimes gave inspiration and sometimes advice.

On 13 May Sunday, due to it being the Mothers' Day, our Employee Communication and Workplace Happiness Committee handed out balloons, chocolate and commemorative goods to all of our female employees, mothers and mothers-to-be. 

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