Our Committees Were In Bakırköy Closed Women’s Prison On International Women’s Day

Our Committees were in Bakırköy Closed Women’s Prison on International Women’s Day
Our Committees were in Bakırköy Closed Women’s Prison on International Women’s Day

In the activity that had been organized with the collaboration of Ünsped Social Responsibility Committee and Ünsped Women Leadership Development Committee and the support of UPS Sports School and Culture Club Coordinator and a Member of Social Responsibility Committee Dear Semra Demirer, the committee members went to Bakırköy Closed Women’s Prison and celebrated the 8thof March International Women’s Day with the women there. In the organization that took place with the participation of celebrities too Kral TV Chief Editor Mehmet Akbay (Gezegen Mehmet) and also Linet, Yonca Evcimik and Berkay took on the stage. With the organization that was both joyous and sad at the same time, the women gave the message that without religious, language, race, color differences we are the same in everywhere in the world, even at the back of beyond and have same womanhood qualities, we are the same and equal. In the activity, Yonca Evcimik had surprise presents for the children of the convicted women.

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