Business Summit Within The Scope Of Customs And Foreing Trade Specialty Certificate Program In Ünsped

Business Summit within the Scope of Customs and Foreing Trade Specialty Certificate Program in ÜNSPED
Business Summit within the Scope of Customs and Foreing Trade Specialty Certificate Program in ÜNSPED

Beykent University conducted Customs Transactions and Implementations n International Trade themed business summit in our company's Headquarters on 25.12.2018 between the hours of 10:00-13:00 with 60 students within the scope of Customs and Foreign Trade Specialty Certificate Program. 

The relevant summit started with the opening speech of our Shareholder Mr. Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRK. In the summit in which the company was introduced, our Customs Broker Mr. Altay YEĞİN informed about Basic Principles of Customs Legislation.

In order for students to go beyond theory and see the transactions in the location in person, our Import and Export Department was visited. Organization ended with Lunch which was eaten together between the hours of 13:00 - 14:00. 

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