We Discussed With Retired Colonel - Specialist Psychologist Aysel Bilgin; Is There A Social Gender Inequality?

We discussed with Retired Colonel - Specialist Psychologist Aysel Bilgin; Is There a Social Gender Inequality?
We discussed with Retired Colonel - Specialist Psychologist Aysel Bilgin; Is There a Social Gender Inequality?

Retired Colonel - Specialist Psychologist Ms. Aysel Bilgin was our guest in order to treat “Is There a Social Gender Inequality” in UGM, MHÜ Conference Hall on 18.10.2017, Wednesday between 12:30-13:30 within the scope of Illuminating Meetings under the leadership of Ünsped Women Leadership Development Committee.

Ms. Bilgin who shared that there are provisions regarding women’s rights about marriage,divorce, succession and alimony and equality of women and men on 4000 years old stone tablets dug up in an excavation in Kayseri stated that according to article 10 of Turkish Constitution; “Men and women have equal rights. The State has the obligation to ensure that  this equality exists in practice”and according to article 41 of Turkish Constitution; “Family is the foundation of the Turkish society and based on  theequality between the spouses” and first reforms aimed to establish social gender equality in Turkey are Turkish Civil Code dated February 17, 1926, right to elect in local elections dated March 20, 1930 and right to elect and be elected which became a law on the date of December 5,1934.

Ms. Aysel Bilgin continued her remarks saying “education empowers woman and educated women empower society in return” and emphasized that education is both a prerequisite of a productive and quality life and a key that can minimize in equalities between social groups and genders as a tool of individual change.Ms. Bilgin who stated that as women’s education level rises their participation into work force also rises said that social gender equality can  be achieved by democratic understanding and belief, consistent and resolute policies, improving quality and quantity of education, providing equality of opportunity for all segments of society to access education, health, housing and employment opportunities, allowing every body to be lead his/her life as he/she pleases, empowering children regardless of their gender in child education, raising healthy, self-confident children who mind out world and whole universe, supporting non-governmental organizations,modifying legal legislations and nurturing an understanding that will establish social gender equality for all segments of society.

Ms. BİLGİN was given a plaque by members of Women Leadership Development Committee members and Illuminating Meeting ended with photo shoot.


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