
Türkiye's Importance In Logistics Increases!

Türkiye's Importance in Logistics Increases!
Türkiye's Importance in Logistics Increases!

Due to the problems in the Red Sea, there are severe crises in the access channels from the Far East to Europe. This increases Türkiye's importance, especially in terms of logistics.

When we look at the profit margins of the logistics sector last year, we see severe declines. Therefore, we only have a narrow working area from a cyclical point of view. Nevertheless, every crisis brings with it specific opportunities.

While there are already severe problems in accessing Europe from the Far East due to the issues in the Red Sea, it is foreseen that this will create significant opportunities for exporters and contribute positively to the logistics sector. For this reason, many logistics companies are trying to develop alternative European access channels.

Many logistics companies, which have initiated studies on corridors that will provide customers with faster access from the Far East to Europe by creating different routes, emphasize that significant supply  opportunities will arise in 2024. Stating that there are signs that the economic environment will revive in 2025, the logistics sector underlines that although interest rates are high, there will be significant opportunities for investment not only in Türkiye but also in Romania, Italy, and Germany, taking advantage of the decline in product costs.

Artificial Intelligence Should Be More Active in Logistics

The fact that technology and digitalization are taking place in every aspect of life attracts the attention of business areas. Artificial intelligence, which has increased its impact since the beginning of 2020, provides many benefits for supply chains.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a Technology Rapidly Transforming the Logistics Industry.

Artificial intelligence uses algorithms and machine learning to automate and optimize logistics processes. It is already being used to automate routine tasks and provide insights that were previously impossible to obtain!

Artificial intelligence is particularly well suited to logistics due to the industry's vast networks. By analyzing data with this technology, future production and transportation volumes can be predicted, thus enabling more efficient use of resources. As a result, tasks are increasingly being handed over to self-learning digital systems thanks to artificial intelligence.

In this respect, AI's role in logistics is to streamline operations across order processing, inventory management, supply chain, and distribution to deliver an improved customer experience ultimately. It can be used to automate routine tasks to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and provide better customer service. In e-commerce logistics, AI enables real-time tracking and monitoring of packages, improving the overall customer experience. In addition, AI accelerates data analysis, allowing businesses to make intelligent decisions and improve operations.

Using artificial intelligence in route optimization also has many benefits for logistics companies. These include;

  • Reduces fuel costs: By identifying the most efficient routes, artificial intelligence can help businesses reduce fuel costs, which can be a significant expense in logistics.
  • Improves delivery times: AI can help businesses improve delivery times by selecting the fastest and most efficient routes, enhancing the overall customer experience.
  • Improve driver safety: AI can optimize routes based on factors such as road conditions and weather, which can help improve driver safety.

AI, especially in route optimization, is becoming increasingly important. By using AI to analyze data and optimize routes, businesses save time and money while improving the delivery experience.


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