Dear Fatmaaydoğdu Explained The Secret For Success Ad Her Life, Her Work And Loving People

Dear FatmaAydoğdu Explained the Secret for Success ad her Life, her Work and Loving People
Dear FatmaAydoğdu Explained the Secret for Success ad her Life, her Work and Loving People

Our guest in "Establishing Sectorial Women Communication Networks" themed seminar which took place under the leadership of Ünsped Women Leadership Development Committee within the concept of UGA Noon Talks on 16 November 2016 in Ünsped Gümrük Müşavirliği Headquarters MHÜ Conference Hall was Tezmaksan Makine Sanayi veTicaret A.Ş. Member of Board of Directors Dear Fatma AYDOĞDU.

Dear Fatma AYDOĞDU said in the seminar that we, as women, instead of complaining of the conditions that we are in, we should fight to change those conditions, to solve problems and work harder.

Dear Fatma AYDOĞDU who stated that the secret for success is to love the life and people and thank every day that we breath, emphasized that "the only thing constant is change" therefore we, as an individual of the society that we live in, should constantly improve and change ourselves and underlined that we should contribute our improvement by taking the good characteristics of the people around us as example.

Dear Fatma AYDOĞDU communicated the fact that women being present in the business life will bring richness such as multi-vocality, being able to share and discuss different opinions to the environment and that it is important for the contribution of women to the improvement and change to increase every passing day.  She also informed that the number of women working, not just in the management line but also in the workshop as operators increases every day.

At the end of the seminar, our Shareholder Dear Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRK presented her plaque to Dear Fatma AYDOĞDU and thanked her.

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