Cooperation Protocol Was Signed Between Altınbaş University And Ünsped Customs Consultancy

Cooperation Protocol was signed between Altınbaş University and Ünsped Customs Consultancy
Cooperation Protocol was signed between Altınbaş University and Ünsped Customs Consultancy

On the date of25.07.2017, CO-OP (Cooperative) Training Model Cooperation Protocol wasimplemented as the training model unifying the training conducted in theUniversity and application in the business environment between AltınbaşUniversity and ile Ünsped Customs Consultancy in Altınbaş University MahmutbeyCampus with the personal signatures of University Rector Prof. Dr. Çağrı ERHANand our UGM Company Shareholder Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRK. Vice Rectors Prof. Dr.  Emre ALKİN and Prof. Dr. Argun KARACABEY werealso present in the meeting and cooperation works were also taken intoconsideration to be done in many other topics.

CO-OP trainingto be conducted within the framework of this protocol covers the internship andlong-term internship studies to be done in our Company by the related programstudents of the university, application and conclusion projects to be done inthe supervision of our Company's specialist personnel, lessons to be given bythe trainers of our Company and other applied training activities to be done inthe framework of defined lessons.

Visiting endedwith the family photograph taken following the wishes for the beneficialness ofthe new cooperation protocol signed by the Parties. 

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