We Talked About How To Be A Strong Team With Dear Turgay Kıran

We Talked About How To Be A Strong Team With Dear Turgay Kıran
We Talked About How To Be A Strong Team With Dear Turgay Kıran

 "To Be A Strong Team" themed seminar took place with the presentation of Businessman and Galatasaray Ex-Manager TurgayKıran in the MHÜ Conference Hall in the Headquarters on 25 August 2016 within the scope of UGA Noon Talks under the leadership of the Employee Communication and Happiness in Workplace Committee. In the seminar, we talked about the fact that being a team is an important concept, in order to grow strong and be successful we need to be rings in a chain not alone, and for good works there should be a sense of unity. The fact that people can form a strong team with the combination of their knowledge and experiences, aside from an education in a certain level, and for that they need to approach each other with love and respect was highlighted.

Dear TurgayKıran highlighted the fact that in order to be a team all the members of a team should do their part of the work without looking after their own interest, by loving their job and with the sense of We and not I. In the seminar which was carried out interactively as Q and A, the importance of being a team and the qualities for leadership were mentioned. Dear Kıran who said, based on his experiences, that the most important quality for leadership is to keep the team together emphasized the fact that this can be possible by looking at everyone with the same and different perspectives. At the end of the seminar, Employee Communication and Happiness in Workplace Committee presented a plaque to Dear Kıran and our managers and employees presented him their gratitude.

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