Deputy General Manager in Charge of Exports and Member of The Executive Board

Export is an important process that refers to the sale of products or services outside the borders of a country and acts as leverage in terms of economic growth. While export provides foreign exchange flow for countries, it also offers local businesses the opportunity to compete in global markets and discover new markets. In addition, export acts as a shield against local economic fluctuations by diversifying the portfolio of businesses. At the same time, it expands the vision of businesses and allows them to promote their brands internationally. Of course, export is a situation that covers not only traditional trade but also e-commerce. In this sense, it is also possible for entrepreneurs to conduct electronic exports through e-commerce sites.

Export is one of the cornerstones of international trade and helps strengthen economic relations between countries. Therefore, while facilitating the transfer of technology and knowledge in international trade, it also allows different countries to combine their strengths. For example, China's increase in exports has increased the country's economic power and affected global trade balances. This has increased China’s competitiveness in industrial products, changing the balance of trade with other countries in its favor. Similarly, developed economies such as the UK play an active role in international trade by following export-oriented policies. The contribution of international trade to global economic growth and development is very important for national economies. In this sense, exports provide the development of trade relations between different countries, while also increasing economic growth. This supports the increase of global prosperity, the spread of a culture of cooperation, and global peace.

The contribution of international trade to global economic growth and development is significant for national economies. In this sense, exports develop trade relations between different countries and increase economic growth. This supports the increase of global prosperity, the spread of the culture of cooperation, and global peace.


As a result of the development of technology, payment methods, and especially logistics, exports have not evolved into small sizes in a way that exports are made directly to the consumer today. This situation has caused the micro export type we call e-export to become widespread. E-export is the process of selling abroad over the Internet. Exporters are now forced to evaluate the e-commerce sector, which is growing every day, and start electronic exports.

e-export is an easier, faster, and simplified version of export transactions. e-export has many differences from traditional export, which everyone has known as “export” until now. The most important of these differences is that the sale is made to individual customers rather than corporate customers. While pallets of products can be sent by ship in traditional export, in e-export, products are sent to many buyers by fast means of transportation, especially air. Of course, while customs processes are more laborious and lengthy in traditional exports, in e-exports, thanks to the procedure known as “micro exports”, all products to be sent to all buyers in one batch are easily completed with a declaration using an electronic commerce customs declaration (ETGB).


Rapid developments in technology and changes in global trade conditions have also led to an increase in competitive power, which has affected many dynamics in the sectoral context of competitive conditions. Consumer habits, needs, and ways of doing business have changed rapidly, especially due to the diversification of market conditions and the increase in the use of web applications and mobile devices. Due to these reasons, we are going through a very rapid process where every sector that remains behind is almost being dragged out of the race. Foreign trade and logistics, which are among the most important areas of the 21st century and are the third sector where the highest development is expected together with information and genetic technologies, also need to adapt to these changing conditions, evolve, and develop new technologies. Of course, as a result of all these developments, there are some renewals and developments in the field of foreign trade. The most important of these is e-export. 

What experts in the sector know best is that the size of the trade grows in proportion to the width of the service network. For this reason, the business volume of companies that sell abroad is also quite large. After all, the main thing is that both parties benefit in a trade where there is buying and selling. This is such an important situation that even e-commerce companies tend to sell abroad. In this sense, the slogan "if the subject is selling abroad, e-export" is an action that affects and develops foreign trade.


If you are an e-export company, you should always do e-export to take your company to the next level. Because e-export is one of the peaks of e-commerce. Regardless of Europe, America, Asia, or the Middle East, if a person or institution prefers an e-commerce site in your country instead of an e-commerce site in their own country, this shows that your brand is growing. Therefore, the fact that your institution is a brand that opens up to the world is also an indication that you have left your local competitors in Turkey far behind.

In this sense, as Ünsped, in line with the importance we attach to technology, we provide many technological infrastructure and digital services to our customers. With these services we provide, we aim to carry out all your trade processes on time, quickly, and more easily, and we follow all processes related to exporting for you and obtaining preliminary permits from professional institutions and organizations.

As Ünsped Customs Consultancy, we carry out all kinds of export services that our stakeholders need in both export and e-export from a single source and completely. In this context, the main services provided can be listed as follows:

  • Monitoring of export operations at the international level,
  • R&D studies aimed at developing the foreign trade area,
  • Studies aimed at making exports fast and easy,
  • Preparation of periodic reports, presentations, and statistics in line with the expectations and demands of exporters,
  • Data integrations for fast and error-free execution of export transactions,
  • Up-to-date monitoring of legislation,
  • Informing customers about current legislative developments,
  • Information support on legislation and tax burdens that the exported product will encounter in the country of import.

The Customs Consultancy sector normally provides services in the field of Customs Consultancy. In addition to consultancy, we also act as a solution partner for our exporting customers in terms of foreign trade with our teams who are experts and experienced in the field of export.