Our Aegean Regional Director Organized The Traditional Breakfast

Our Aegean Regional Director Organized the Traditional Breakfast
Our Aegean Regional Director Organized the Traditional Breakfast

The Traditional Breakfast Organization of our Aegean region took place on 7 May 2016 Saturday between 10.00 - 13.30 in Boğaziçi Restaurant. Approximately 160 people participated to the breakfast organization that our Deputy General Manager Dear Özlem Sarıbaş hosted.

Our Aegean Region branches (Denizli Branch, Aliağa Branch, Adnan Menderes Branch, ESBAŞ Branch, Manisa Branch and Antalya Branch), UGM managers and employees, our Shareholder Dear Yusuf Bulut Öztürk, CEO Dear Dr. Hakan Çınar, Member of the Board Dear Mustafa Sağdıç, Technical Regulations Coordinator Dear Sabri Hüsrev and Customs Broker Dear Mustafa Kılınç has participated to the breakfast organization which also coincided with the 10th anniversary of the opening of our İzmir Branch and had an enjoyable breakfast together. In the organization, in which also our co-workers who joined İzmir Branch recently held the floor, our managers gave unity, solidarity and team spirit message. After the speeches, our Shareholder Yusuf Bulut Öztürk presented seniority certificates and seniority plaques to our employees who completed their 5th and 10th years. 

Organization has ended after the 10th year celebration cake that was cut all together was seviced at the end of the breakfast.

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