The Contribution Of Art To Young Generations Themed Enlightenment Meeting Was Performed

The Contribution of Art to Young Generations Themed Enlightenment Meeting was Performed
The Contribution of Art to Young Generations Themed Enlightenment Meeting was Performed

Under the leadership of our Young Generation Leadership Development Committee, within the scope of our Enlightenment Meetings, we hosted Youth Art Center General Art Director, BPW İstanbul/ Maiden's Tower Founding Chairman Mr. Yücel CANYARAN in order to discuss "The Contribution of Art to Young Generations" in Headquarters MHÜ Conference Hall.

Mr. Yücel CANYARAN, talked about himself briefly and mentioned Youth Art Center of which he is the Art Director. In the relevant seminar, the discussion was about, rather than the importance of art, the fact that being a good person, smiling beautifully were things that make you win, and that not be ashamed of/ shame people and give offence for art are important criterion. He said that we, as humans, have to express measure and abstract and stated that determining the communication forms within those is very important.   He said that "we should experience the higher stage of communication, and for this, there should be good standing, a good breath, a good faith." and shared that we should adopt the thought of how, in what way we can advance the thing that we love as our motto. 

The seminar which continued with music, flute thio concerts and body awareness exercises, ended with our Young Generation Leadership Committee presenting souvenirs and Turkish delight to our guests. 

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