We Were At The Launch Of The O-asistant Application Hosted By O-asistant & Cancer-free Life Association

We were at the launch of the O-Asistant application hosted by O-Asistant & Cancer-Free Life Association
We were at the launch of the O-Asistant application hosted by O-Asistant & Cancer-Free Life Association

The O-Assistant application was launched at Limak Eurasia Luxary Hotel on 04.02.2024, hosted by the O-Assistant & Cancer-Free Life Association.

O- Assistant application; It was developed in the field of oncology to assist patients in their treatments by offering treatment tracking, monitoring, file storage, smart reminders, smart chemotherapy calendar and physician matching and second opinion features for patients and their physicians. In addition, it provides many services to patients and physicians free of charge.

At the launch invitation, O-Asistan Founder Ms. Çağla Acar, who emphasized the importance of support, solidarity and awareness of a digital companion in cancer treatment, Cancer-Free Life Association Chairman of the Board Dida Kaymaz, O-Asistan Executive Physician and Oncology-Hematology Physician Prof. Dr. Barış Malbora and O-Asistan Founding Partner Mr. Baybora Esmer celebrated the beginning of the digital age in cancer treatment with the valuable participants of the event.

Our Ünsped Social Responsibility Committee was there with all its support to turn on the light of hope and celebrate a new era in health.

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