Ugm 41. Traditional Year-end Evaluation Meeting

UGM 41. Traditional Year-End Evaluation Meeting
UGM 41. Traditional Year-End Evaluation Meeting

Our 41st Traditional Year-End Evaluation Meeting, to which our managers, employees and guests showed great interest, took place on 24 December 2022 at Altınbaş University Fatma Altınbaş Conference Hall with the participation of Former Minister of Customs and Trade, Cenap AŞÇI (63rd Government).

The theme of our "End of Year Meeting", which started with a moment of silence and the National Anthem, between 09:00 and 16:00, was "We Walk Towards Goals Together". Our evaluation meeting started with the opening speeches of our Company Partner, Mr. Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRK, after the principle titled “Our Responsibilities Towards Ünsped Name” was read from our Ünsped Policy Book.

What did we do in 2022? What will we do in 2023? Ethics, Transparency, Compliance with Legislation, Technological Developments, Management Together with Our Stakeholders, Sustainability and Operational Efficiency were covered in our organization where we found answers to questions. In this meeting, which contributes to internal communication, under the title of Evaluation of the Year 2022, our General Manager Mr. Rıza Mehmet KORKMAZ of UGM shared with the participants the activities, developments and changes we carried out during the year at ÜNSPED.

At our Year-End Evaluation Meeting, where ÜNSPED Awards found their owners, our videos describing our 2022 activities were shared with the participants.

After the interactive session with the participation of our General Manager, Assistant General Managers and Coordinators, our meeting ended with the closing speeches of our Company Partner, Mr. Yusuf Bulut Öztürk, who thanked the participants and those who contributed to the organization.

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