We Have Handled The Topic Of “the Literary Language In Employee Communications” Under Leadership Of Our Committee Of Employee Communications And Happiness At The Workplace In Our Disclosure Meeting

We Have Handled the Topic of “the Literary Language in Employee Communications” under Leadership of our Committee of Employee Communications and Happiness at the Workplace in our Disclosure Meeting
We Have Handled the Topic of “the Literary Language in Employee Communications” under Leadership of our Committee of Employee Communications and Happiness at the Workplace in our Disclosure Meeting

A seminar themed “the Literary Language in the Employee Communications” has been given by Mr. Bedri SELİMHOCAOĞLU, a Turkish Instructor in Boğaziçi University and Yeditepe University, at 12.00-13.00 on the date of May 30, 2018 at MHÜ Conference Hall. 

Mr. SELİMHOCAOĞLU starting his words by saying “Nice Things”, has conveyed that happiness is a choice and the fact that being happy with our work is pretty significant for an efficient course of day. He has told that happiness is dependent on the quality of our thoughts and has added that people could catch happiness by way of changing their attitudes and leading a sincere life and could take the first step for it. 

Mr. Bedri SELİMHOCAOĞLU after saying that people cannot reach one another emotionally and rationally at all places, you are already actualizing many values, skills and awarenesses, which you cannot manifest at home, at work, has conveyed to us the pleasure that is being provided with being a part of a work. Additionally, he has underlined that the basis of nonmonotonous thinking, possessing a good personality and character, knowing ourselves and being aware of what we could do is “understanding the language of current state”. 

Mr. SELİMHOCAOĞLU expressing that as far as human relationships are concerned, an environment at peace should be established; if we have to wish to be happy at the workplace, we have to take the word “fight” being the negative meaning of argument out of our dictionary as a result, we have to find ways to develop ourselves and one another instead of focusing on someone negatively has stated that a true rank at the workplace will be possibly obtained by way of establishing communication. 

Our seminar has come to an end with a commemorative plaque that was presented by the Committee of Employee Communications and Happiness at the Workplace to our speakers following a photo that has been shot altogether. 

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