The Management Of Female Brain And Emotions In Business Life Seminar Was Held

The Management of Female Brain and Emotions in Business Life Seminar was Held
The Management of Female Brain and Emotions in Business Life Seminar was Held

Under the leadership of Woman Leadership Development Committee, with the cooperation of Ünsped Development Academy UGA, "The Management of Female Brain and Emotions in Business Life" Seminar was held with Professional Coach and Trainer Dear Aslı Kösedağ on 05 May 2018 Saturday at 09.30-12.30 in Headquarters MHÜ Conference Hall.

Dear Kösedağ while talking about the algorithms between men and women mentioned the place and importance of women and men in the society, the differences of the two sexes in terms of understanding and their physical conditions, social status and roles since birth. And all participants were able to speak about this matter and a basic motion was revealed about "The Management of Female Brain and Emotions in Business Life". 

Dear Aslı Kösedağ said that we need don't need to change but transform, we need to live the past behind as it is, to listen first and talk later, to get rid of our burdens and to feel confident, and highlighted that our experiences and interpretations are different from each other, we live whatever we create, we can be happy by looking at what we create instead of strengthening fear and anxiety. 

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