Importance Of Leadership In Happiness And Employee Communication Themed Our Lighting Meeting Was Taken Place”

 Importance of Leadership in Happiness and Employee Communication  Themed our Lighting Meeting was taken place”
Importance of Leadership in Happiness and Employee Communication Themed our Lighting Meeting was taken place”

Ledby Unsped Employee Communication and Workplace Happiness Committee, within thescope of the Lighting Meetings, Emine Başdağ, a Psychologist, Koç and Mentorand 22-year Human Resources specialist, was invited to work on"Communication and Happiness in Leadership in Employee Communication"at the UGM-MHÜ Conference Hall on Wednesday, 6 September 2017 from 12:30 to13:30. She talks about the importance of the responsibilities of the leaders inthe new world to create vision, to organize, to grow by innovation and to focuson results, as she talks about trends in the world, trends of differentgenerations, expectations of Y generations against the working styles oforganizations, and organizational and working models in the changing world.

Inthe long-term agenda of the leaders, it is necessary to have certain tasks suchas sharing the ethics and consistency of the employee company's strategies andobjectives and establishing the correct communication with the employee inorder to form the institutional culture, giving feedback and coaching,encouraging and cooperating with the business community and celebrating thesuccess of the company employees, the employees of the company will be happy,motivated and successful, she said.

Mrs.Emine Başdağ, who underlines that discovering talent is the future management,stated that each employee is of different skill and diversity and that theleader of every good employee is the leader. Mrs. Emine Başdağ was presentedwith the plaque of the Employee Communication and Workplace Happiness Committeeand met with a collective photo shoot.

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