Our Innovations About The Legislation And Authorized Economic Operator System Overview Themed Seminar Was Performed 

Our Innovations about the Legislation and Authorized Economic Operator System Overview Themed Seminar was Performed 
Our Innovations about the Legislation and Authorized Economic Operator System Overview Themed Seminar was Performed 

In Ünsped Gümrük Müşavirliği Headquarters MHÜ Conference Hall, on 24 January 2018 in our “Innovations about the Legislation and Authorized Economic Operator System Overview” themed briefing seminar which stated with registration and cocktail at 13.00 and continuous as 3 sessions between 13.30-17.00 the theme of the Changes on the Regimes was handled by our Legislation Department Manager Customs Broker Dear M. Altay YEGİN, Changes and Innovation related to Tareks Legislation was handled by our Technical Regulations Coordinator Dear Sabri HÜSREV. In the interactive panel part which was the 3rd session, “Today and Tomorrow of Authorized Economic Operator System” and moderated by our CEO Dear Dr. Hakan ÇINAR one of the panelists was our Assistant General Manager in Charge of Legislations Dear Bülent ERYILMAZ.  The 3rd session of our seminar to which the officials and employees of many distinguished companies have participated continued as Q&A and ended with the closing speech of our Shareholder Dear Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRK. 

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