“leadership Workshop Trainings” Were Conducted With The Leadership Of Ünsped Development Academy

“Leadership Workshop Trainings” were conducted with the Leadership of ÜNSPED Development Academy
“Leadership Workshop Trainings” were conducted with the Leadership of ÜNSPED Development Academy

With the leadership of 2017-2018 Period  Ünsped Development Academy, within the scope of cooperation with Trainer & Coach Dear Aslı Kösedağ, training and career coaching studies to our employees were conducted under the “Leadership Meetings” title with monthly periods. 

The last period of the program which aims to train the future senior Ünsped Leaders with "Managing yourself, managing the others and managing the organization” titles and consisted of once a month 4 modules was a special study that enabled for the participants to mentally get away from the work environment to find their own type of leadership. The Leadership Meetings has ended with awarding the participants with training certificates. 

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