We Celebrated The Wold Handicapped Week

We celebrated the Wold Handicapped Week
We celebrated the Wold Handicapped Week

To be handicapped is not a situation to be ashamed of, t oto be weary of life, to hide. Nobody has the guarantee not to get handicapped in future. For this reason it is the duty of all of us to share the problems of the handicapped.

The World Handicapped Week are the days in which we ought to think more in the name of humanity and in which we ought feel more our humanitarian feelings. All our handicapped citizens who participate in economic and social life, who struggle with life in order to continue their lifes in dignity are each a power resource for us. Our aim is in the scope of fundamental human rights to provide opportunity equality for the participation in social life by making handicapped people, wihtout discrimination, productive, employed, respected and individuals with equal rights.
The problems which handicapped people live do not only belong to them; it is the common problem of their families, neighbourhood, the society, in summery of everyone. Although the status of being handicaped occurs as a result of different factors living a normal life for handicapped people is only possible with social sensivity.
The aim of this day is to draw the attention of the authorized to the solution of the problems of handicapped people and to eliminate the handicaps in front of them and to create a positive distinciton towards the handicapped people. From this point of view our company realized an organisation in order to draw attention to this special week. As we perform it traditionale we realized this organisation together with our very precious staff.
Ou hope is aTurkey and a world in which handicapped people can reach every kind of opportunity and service as anyone. We should embrace them at every opportunity to show them that they are euqal and how precious they are for us. We celebrate with the wish that the Wold Handicapped Week will be a mean to increase the awareness and sensitivity.
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