We Held Our Ugm 42nd Traditional Year-end Evaluation Meeting

We Held Our UGM 42nd Traditional Year-End Evaluation Meeting
We Held Our UGM 42nd Traditional Year-End Evaluation Meeting

Our 42nd Traditional Year-End Evaluation Meeting, which attracted great attention from our managers, employees and guests, was held on December 23, 2023, at Altınbaş University Fatma Altınbaş Conference Hall, with the participation of the Minister of Customs and Trade, Mr. Cenap AŞÇI (63rd Government).

The theme of our "End of Year Meeting", which started with a moment of silence and the National Anthem between 09.00-15.00, was "UNSPED on the 100th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Republic of Turkey". After reading the principle titled "Our Responsibilities towards the Ünsped Name" from our Ünsped Policy Book, our evaluation meeting started with the opening speeches of our Founding President Mr. Haluk ÜNDEĞER, our Company Partner Mr. Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRK and UGM Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Remzi AKÇİN.

What Have We Done in the Past? What Will We Do in the Future? In our organization where we found answers to your questions, our UGM General Manager Mr. Rıza Mehmet KORKMAZ under the title of 2023 Evaluation. shared with the participants the activities, developments and changes we carried out at ÜNSPED during the year.

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