''importance Of Permanency And Loyalty'' Was Mentioned For The Success In Business Life

''Importance of Permanency and Loyalty'' was mentioned for the Success in Business Life
''Importance of Permanency and Loyalty'' was mentioned for the Success in Business Life

Our guest was Altınyıldız Company's LogisticWarehouses and Foreign Transactions Team Leader Mr. Eyyüp Karaçay was our guestin our seminar having the topic of ''Changing Generations in Business World''and realized under the leadership of Young Generation, Development Committeeand with the cooperation of Ünsped Development Academy (UDA).          Mr. Eyyüp Karaçay underlined the factthat there were not differences between the generations and the essence ofeverything was resulting from love and respect and he indicated that everybodymust be willing in learning and must work as success-oriented.

Mr. Eyyüp Karaçay emphasized that good morals andcreativity were important in business life for the success and relations andsuccess would not be realized by only wanting but in addition to this, therewas the requirement to have steady working and to have challenge in reachingthe targets.

Mr. Eyyüp Karaçay also mentioned the topics of team success and motivationand there was great participation and interest for our seminar realized withthe attendance of Mr. Eyyüp Karaçay.  Seminar proceeded in the form ofquestion - reply and Our Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Gürbüz Hocaoğlupresented his plaque to Mr. Karaçay and also presented our thanks to him forhis contributions in the seminar. 

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