

On 12.09.2018, with the leadership of Employee Communication and Workplace Happiness Committee, within the scope of Enlightenment Meetings, in MHÜ Conference Hall of Headquarters, we hosted Cep Sahne Percussion Group in order to inform about "Effects of Rhythms on Motivation and Performance".

Cep Sahne Percussion Group Representative Mr. Barış BAHÇECİ talked about their team journey of 14 people go back 3 years and that they started their work under the name of Latin Percussion.

Mr. BAHÇECİ said that when they see the rhythm group meet regularly and work well they also added a vocal group on top, and he shortly defined percussion. 

We added songs on top of the patterns we play. I want to talk about how we started music a little bit. We are not all musicians, most of us are in different parkour in our business lives. 

He said that percussion is the general name of all the instruments of the percussive instruments family, that they can be played with drumsticks, brushes and similar equipment and that they can also be played with hands.

Mr. BAHÇECİ who informed that percussion is the oldest known music instrument, said that percussion firstly is sound, afterwards they accepted as percussion, meaning percussive instruments and the etymology of the word comes from Latin percussion word.

He talked about why they do percussion, explained that percussion has big effect and contribution on communication, to know people, teamwork, to get a work done well, and gave the floor to Cep Sahne Group member Ms. Çiğdem DÖNMEZ. 

Ms. Çiğdem DÖNMEZ said that she is a Physical Therapist, and shared with us that she thinks percussion enlivened her life. 

Ms. Çiğdem DÖNMEZ who said that percussion is an excellent team game, said that it improves productivity and gives a great excitement and adrenalin in works.  

Meeting ended with performance concert of Cep Sahne Percussion Group. At the end of the meeting, Turkish delight and cup set are presented to our guests by Employee Communication and Workplace Happiness Committee. 

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