Interview With Dr. Naim Babüroğlu On Atatürk And The Republic

Interview with Dr. Naim Babüroğlu on Atatürk and the Republic
Interview with Dr. Naim Babüroğlu on Atatürk and the Republic

On 14.09.2023, Retired Brigadier General, Istanbul Aydın University Faculty Member Dr. Naim Babüroğlu was our guest. We had an interview and autograph session with him on the theme of "Atatürk and the Republic". “The interview in which the life of our Great Leader Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the process leading to the Republic was discussed was met with great interest.

In the program organized specifically for the 100th anniversary of our Republic; The process from the declaration of the Republic to the Republican regime, the importance of the first article of the 1921 Constitution, which is the principle of National Sovereignty, the Battle of Sakarya, the destruction of the dreams of the occupying countries with the Great Offensive, the abolition of the sultanate, the Lausanne Peace Treaty, Ankara becoming the Capital and the abolition of the Caliphate. Many topics were discussed.

With Dr. Naim Babüroğlu; We learned that the Republic is a modern Turkey project that was shaped in the mind of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for many years.

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