Our Social Responsibility Committee Was In “festival Bakırköy”

Our Social Responsibility Committee Was In “Festival Bakırköy”
Our Social Responsibility Committee Was In “Festival Bakırköy”

Events where cultural, artistic and scientific activities of students educated in Bakırköyrealized with “Festival Bakırköy” in scope of April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s day with the cooperation of Bakırköy Governorship, Bakırköy Municipality and Bakırköy Province Director of National Education.

On that day, which is 25 April Saturday, of the festival that will begin 13 April and will continue till 15 May, stand of our Social Responsibility Committee and stand of UPS Sports and Culture Club took attention of children.Face painting and hand print along with popcorn had high attention.Besides painting, inflated play park, illusion, puppet (tug of war-egg and spoon race- sac run), Garfield, Wood leg, Caillou, Nasreddin Hodja and his Donkey shows, Reşat Eymirli musical show, Güldür Güldü team short sketches, kite-balloon distribution, joyful science, ebru and chess workshops, kite festival, Hemsball event, shows of bike and motorbike groups, Air War School Band show, Yalvaç Ural autograph session events went on all day long.  

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