We Held Our 2023 Ugm Management Team Meeting

We Held Our 2023 UGM Management Team Meeting
We Held Our 2023 UGM Management Team Meeting

We held the first 2023 meeting of our Management Team meeting with the theme of "Sustainability" on March 18, 2023 at Ünsped Customs Consultancy Headquarters MHÜ Conference Hall, with the participation of our managers from our Headquarters, Regions and Branches between 10:00-15:00.

At our meeting, which started with the opening speeches of our Founding President, Haluk ÜNDEĞER and our Chairman of the Board of Directors, Remzi AKÇİN, Boğaziçi University Climate Change and Policies Application and Research Center Director Prof. M. Levent KURNAZ was our guest.

Our meeting ended with the closing speech of our Company Partner, Mr. Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRK, after the presentations on Operational Sustainability, Sustainability in Customer Satisfaction, Compliance Management and Sustainability, Financial Sustainability, Information Technologies and Sustainability, Sustainability in Brand Value.


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