Our 7th Management Team Meeting Was Realized

Our 7th Management Team Meeting was realized
Our 7th Management Team Meeting was realized

Our 7th Management Team Meeting was realized on thedate of 18 March 2017 in MHÜ Conference Salon of Ünsped CustomsConsultancy Head Office with the participation of our Directors from the headOffice and our regions between the hours of 09.30 - 17.30.

Training Specialist Ms. Derya AYDIN was the presenterof the meeting and the presentations done and ISG Briefing was done by A ClassSafety Specialist Mr. Birol DİZMAN and then the presentations done by ourDirectors and Employees took place respectively.

Our shareholder Mr. Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRK realized theopening speech and while he indicated the Importance of unity and togetherness,requirement of focalization to our business, our founder Chairman Mr. HalukÜNDEĞER drew the attention on the importance of becoming enthusiastic inshowing efforts and endeavoring as well as taking the action by planning in ourworks and by making the budgeting.

In our meeting, among the persons who has done thepresentations; Process Development Specialist Ms. Begüm ÖZTÜRK took place withher presentation of the Last Innovations in technology followed respectively bySoftware and Application Development Specialist Mr. Ali Rıza KARACA with hisComputation/Evaluation and Follow Up Works/Mobile Work Follow Up Applicationspresentation and then followed by Process Development Specialist Ms. MelikeVELİ and by Standard Documentation Specialist Ms. Özlem BAŞARAN with thebriefings about the Existing Situation and Operating Related to our Board andCommittees.

On the other hand, in the final session, our Deputiesof the General Manager, Mr. Orhan KIRALİ, Mr. Ümit BÜYÜKKOYUNCU and ourDirectors from our regions shared information with the participants about thework processes.

Our 7th Management Team Meeting was completed with the closingspeeches of our CEO, Dr. Hakan ÇINAR and our Shareholder Mr. Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRKand it ended by thanking to all participants because of their attendance in themeeting.

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