The Visit Of The Semiha Şakir Nursinghome By The Ünsped The Woman’s Entrepreneur Association

The visit of the Semiha Şakir Nursinghome by the Ünsped the Woman’s Entrepreneur Association
The visit of the Semiha Şakir Nursinghome by the Ünsped the Woman’s Entrepreneur Association

The old age period, which has a a different meaning for every one, is a very special period. Our aged people are our most precious beings who build a bridge between yesterday adn tomorrow and who provide to carry our culture and values to the future. The olda ged period has to be respected and is also a gratefulness. The aged individuals have to be integrated into society, they have to be the more active and connected to life. In order to keep alive these feelings before the Feast of Ramadan the Woman’s Entrepreneur Association of our company visited the Semiha Şakir Nursehome at hte 19th of Juli 2014, Saturday. To motivate our old aged, whose only wish is to be remembered, and to let them forget for a short time their lonlyness a pleasant conversation was realized.

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