We Held Our Fourteenth Customer Advisory Board Meeting

We Held Our Fourteenth Customer Advisory Board Meeting
We Held Our Fourteenth Customer Advisory Board Meeting

We fulfill our responsibilities within UGM effectively and efficiently by promoting our services and customer needs and expectations; The fourteenth of our Customer Advisory Board meeting, which we hold twice a year with the basic energy of taking thoughts, evaluations, expectations and evaluations regarding our services and projects and distributing them to our decisions, was held on 08.11.2023 at InterContinental Hotel Istanbul with over 130 local and foreign guests and guests.


Opening speeches; Our Company Partner Mr. Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRK and our Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. At the meeting held by Remzi AKÇİN; With the feeling of "Changing Paradigms in Customs and Foreign Trade"; Latest Developments in UGM, AEB Customs Consultancy Introduction, Customs Support Group (CSG) & UGM Cooperation, UGM IT Solutions, Main Transportation Corridors & Impact of New Spice Route on Foreign Trade and EU's Border Carbon Regulations were discussed with the presentations and contributions of many events.


Among the speakers was our UGM General Manager, Mr. Rıza Mehmet KORKMAZ, AEB Customs Consultancy Head of Integration, International Business Development Director Mr. Mark Brannan, Customs Support Group (CSG) Quality Director Mr.Rick HENDRICKS and Business Development Director Mr.Ali KAPLAN, UGM IT Specialist Mr. Bahar EREN, UGM Board Member Mr. Hüseyin Cahit SOYSAL and UGM Deputy General Manager Mr. Faruk ŞEN; While the interactive episode was moderated by Topkapı University Rector, Economist, Writer Prof. Dr. Emre ALKİN did it.


Our meeting ended with the continuing speech of the former Minister of Customs and Trade, Mr. Cenap AŞÇI (63rd Government).


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