World Customs Day Seminar At Ugm

World Customs Day Seminar at UGM
World Customs Day Seminar at UGM

World Customs Day Seminar was held on 26.01.2023 at Ünsped Customs Consultancy Headquarters Service Building. The seminar, which started with the opening speech of UGM Company Partner, Mr. Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRK, continued in two sessions with the main theme of "Raising the Next Generation, Sharing Knowledge in Customs and Promoting the Culture of Professional Professionalism". Mr. ÖZTÜRK said, "Today is World Customs Day. Countries have borders. "As long as it is not possible for this profession to end, it is not possible. Therefore, we must work in unity and solidarity."


Moderated by UGM Board Member Mr. Hüseyin Cahit SOYSAL. Among the speakers; E. Minister of Customs and Trade, Mr. Cenap AŞÇI (63rd Government), Chairman of the Editorial Board of Economics Dr. Şeref OĞUZ, Chairman of the Board of UGM, Mr. There was Remzi AKÇIN.


In the first session called Raising the Next Generation; GATT process, Customs Cooperation Council, World Trade Organization, World Customs Organization structures and requirements, the uniform applications of these structures, the importance of education, training models, knowledge sharing, transfer of experiences for the development of the new generation, the importance of raising people, the unifying role of customs, the role of customs brokerage It was stated by the speakers that it is an integrated profession.


The second session is; It started under the moderation of UGM General Manager Mr. Rıza Mehmet KORKMAZ. Among the speakers, TURKTRADE Chairman of the Board Mr. Hayrettin ÇAYCI, Customs and Trade Inspectors Solidarity Association – Chairman of the Board of Directors Dr. Çoşkun ŞENOL, Legislation Compliance Association – President of ICC Turkey Banking Commission, Member of Legislation Compliance Association Mr. Abdurrahman ÖZALP took place.


In the second session called Knowledge Sharing and Promoting a Culture of Professional Professionalism; how we can share and reproduce information, the importance of following the business, sustainability in the sector, the function of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in foreign trade transactions, the importance of knowing the international rules in the profession and following the current developments, the function of digitalization in foreign trade applications, the increasing importance of the recent Russian-Ukrainian war. Sanction practices, the increasing guidance function of the inspectorship in customs and foreign trade transactions, and the importance of supervision were mentioned.

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