We Handled “the Golden Rule In Communication: Honesty And Rhetoric” Subject With Self-improvement Instructor Dear Ümit Hakan Bozkurt

We handled “the Golden Rule in Communication: Honesty and Rhetoric” Subject with Self-Improvement Instructor Dear Ümit Hakan BOZKURT
We handled “the Golden Rule in Communication: Honesty and Rhetoric” Subject with Self-Improvement Instructor Dear Ümit Hakan BOZKURT

Within the scope of Enlightenment Meetings under the leadership of Ünsped Employee Communication and Workplace Happiness Committee, on 08.11.2017 Wednesday at 13.30-13.30 in UGM MHÜ Conference Hall, we hosted with Self-Improvement Instructor Dear Ümit Hakan BOZKURT in order to discuss “the Golden Rule in Communication: Honesty and Rhetoric” subject. 

Dear Hakan BOZKURT who began the seminar with introductory film touched on the subjects of life, conscience, fidelity subjects and stated that the life has no erasers and rehearsals, that there are too much biases in relationships, that the important thing is the final judgement, that we cannot help someone unless they want to change and improve, that voice, speech, look, walk are our business cards, and emphasized that the communication starts with the people themselves. He communicated that we will be happy and we will make others happy when we choose our private lives carefully, withdraw from the matters that give negativity, we show enough love and respect the ones that deserve. 

Dear Bozkurt who talked about the importance of the language and affirmation that we use when we communicate in the workplace and in our social lives, stated that the expressions and sentences such as “Welcome, How are you?, Can you?, So glad to have you, Good Morning, Thank You, Can I Help?” are very magical and open a lot of doors.  

He stated that we cannot choose our colleagues in the workplace and even if we cannot naturally get along we need to be respectful, we need to meet in a common ground to realize the company strategy and behave as “we” instead of “I”, and that this is called team play.  

The plaque of recognition was presented to Dear BOZKURT by our Employee Communication and Workplace Happiness Committee and the meeting was ended with a group photo.    


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